Forum Discussion

whisperer's avatar
Apr 25, 2013

Virtual Statement String Processing

Having some issues with the 'virtual' statement within a v9 iRule. The code basically includes the following pertinent statements:




set app_pool [LB::server pool]


virtual "${app_pool}_SOME_STRING"


unset app_pool




The error then seen in logs is the following:


TCL error:


HTTP_REQUEST - Failed listener_lookip: virtual line 1 invoked from within virtual ${app_pool}_SOME_STRING



In this case, lets assume the following:


Pool Name: "my_app"




Thusly, the Pools and VIPs exist....


Perhaps I have either (a) wrong syntax somewhere or (b) the 'app_pool' variable is not being set properly?



3 Replies

  • Two things:



    1. Please add a log statement that shows the value of app_pool.



    2. Which version of 9.x? The ability to direct traffic with the virtual command didn't exist before 9.4.0.


  • LTM Version is 9.4.7.



    If 'app_pool' has no set value, shouldnt the variable still be processed w/ potentially a null string used as its value? It looks like the variable is not even being parsed.
  • Try this and review/report your findings:

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        set app_pool [LB::server pool]
        log local0. "app_pool = $app_pool"
        log local0. "virtual = ${app_pool}_SOME_STRING"
        virtual "${app_pool}_SOME_STRING"
        unset app_pool