Forum Discussion

MarkM_63051's avatar
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Nov 16, 2011

SDK API Sequencing

I have been searching online and within these groups to find an example of the steps necessary to create a load balancer pool. So far the best I have been able to find is a 2004 document titled "Configuring Highly Available OracleAS infrastructrue with F5's BIG-IP Load Balancer". I am a newbie and looking for a simple end to end sequence assuming that the F5 software has already been set up. The following list is the sequence that I think I need to issue. I would greatly appreciate any pointers to other available documentation and especially code samples.



* Node ( I think I need to create NodeAddresses first for any server to be used in a pool but I also saw a comment stating that this can be done automatically when adding a server to a pool)


* Create a load balancer pool with members


* Create a rule for the pool


* Create a virtual server


* Create monitors for the nodes

3 Replies

  • Hi Mark,



    You're right that you don't need to explicitly create nodes. They're created automatically when you create a pool with members/add a new pool member.



    An iRule is optional. Many VS's do not require an iRule. But if you wanted to use one, you'd create it before the virtual server.



    If you want custom profiles (TCP, client SSL, HTTP, etc), you should create those before the virtual server.



    Here's the order I suggest:



    1. monitor(s)


    2. pool which references the monitor(s)


    3. import SSL certificates if you want to use a client SSL profile


    4. profiles (optional)


    5. rule(s) (optional)


    6. SNAT (optional)


    7. virtual



  • Thank you Aaron. Do you know of any documents that discuss this topic?






  • Docs on the order of creating objects? Or docs on creating those objects via iControl? Or details on whether you would want to use the optional objects in the list? Or D) all of the above? :)



    Basically, you want to start at the bottom of the hierarchy and create the objects which a virtual server references. The pool references the monitor, so you'd want to create the monitor first. The VS references the pool, profiles, rules and SNATs.


