Forum Discussion

jzhyc5_48613's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 11, 2012

tmsh scripting pool member status



(I should have posted this here originally & not Design & Config, apologies)


The customer has two sites A and B, a gtm pool, with a member at each site. For reasons of their own the customer wants only site A active, with a manual failover to B if required (no discussion here please, it's what the customeer wants, so that's what they're getting).


To assist I thought I'd provide a 'simple' tmsh script (V11.2.1) which toggled the Active/Passive members - and then place in a bash wrapper


e.g. Run the script, if Site A gtm pool member is enabled, disable it and Activate Site B gtm pool member, if Site B is Active when run, disable it and enable Site A.


I've read the tmsh wikki (get_status, get_config, get_field_names etc), viewed and tried the LTM poool status example code, replaced code such as:


foreach member [tmsh::get''field''value $obj members] (which balked the interpreter)




foreach member [tmsh::get_field_value $obj members]


and /ltm with /gtm


resulting in:


proc script::run {} {


set pool_names "sp.test.lan.pool"


foreach pn $pool_names {


set total 0


set usable 0


foreach obj [tmsh::get_status /gtm pool $pn detail] {


foreach member [tmsh::get_field_value $obj members] {


incr total


if { [tmsh::get_field_value $member pool-member.status.availability-state] == "available" &&


[tmsh::get_field_value $member pool-member.status.enabled-state] == "enabled" } {


incr usable








if { $usable > 0 && [expr 2 * $usable] >= $total } {


puts "up: $pn"


} else {


puts "dn: $pn"








but results in:


pool-status.tcl: script failed to complete:


can't eval proc: "script::run"


field not present: "pool-member.status.availability-state"


while executing


"tmsh::get_field_value $member pool-member.status.availability-state"


(procedure "script::run" line 11)


invoked from within


"script::run" line:1


script did not successfully complete, status:1


Given the time this has cost me so far just trying to get the status, I not even thinking about /modify script :(



Whilst I'm no Dennis Ritchie, I've used a few languages and script engines but this is killing me ... am I missing something?


Could anyone tell me if what I'm trying to do is viable or am I just wasting my time?


Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.




1 Reply

  • I have not tested this script with gtm changes but it should work. This scrip will list the ltm pools and member status. If you change the first in the script::run to


    set objs [tmsh::get_status /gtm pool members] it should work.



    modify script show-pools.tcl {



    proc script::init { } {


    set ::field_fmt "%-25s %s"





    proc script::run { } {


    set objs [tmsh::get_status /ltm pool members]


    set idx 0


    set total [llength $objs]


    while { $idx < $total } {


    set obj [lindex $objs $idx]


    print_object obj


    puts ""


    incr idx;







    proc print_fields { objVar } {


    upvar $objVar obj


    set fdx 0


    set fields [tmsh::get_field_names value $obj]


    set field_count [llength $fields]


    while { $fdx < $field_count } {


    set field [lindex $fields $fdx]


    switch $field {


    "pool.status.availability-state" -


    "pool.status.enabled-state" -


    "pool-member.status.availability-state" -


    "members" { puts -nonewline "[tmsh::get_field_value $obj $field] " }


    default {}




    incr fdx







    proc print_object { objVar } {


    upvar $objVar obj


    puts -nonewline "[tmsh::get_type $obj] [tmsh::get_name $obj] "


    name/value pairs


    print_fields obj


    nested objects


    set fdx 0


    set fields [tmsh::get_field_names nested $obj]


    set count [llength $fields]


    while { $fdx < $count } {


    set field [lindex $fields $fdx]


    set nested_objects [tmsh::get_field_value $obj $field]


    set ndx 0


    set n_count [llength $nested_objects]


    while { $ndx < $n_count } {


    set nobj [lindex $nested_objects $ndx]


    print_object nobj


    incr ndx




    if {$n_count == 0 } {


    puts -nonewline [format $::field_fmt $field "none"]




    incr fdx






