Forum Discussion

nixwiz_67532's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 22, 2013

Getting different results when querying a statistics profile

We have developed an iRule that will look at the User-Agent header and if the request is coming from a mobile device/app then the URI gets changed and different file gets sent to the client. But, as part of this usage, we wanted to get a feel for how many times users requested documents and how many of those were mobile. We created a Statistics Profile named breakthroughs_presentations with two fields, count and count_mobile and it is attached to the same virtual server as the following iRule:





if { ( [HTTP::uri] starts_with "/about/events-education/breakthroughs/2013/connection-cafe/presentations/" ) } {


if { [HTTP::uri] eq "/about/events-education/breakthroughs/2013/connection-cafe/presentations/stats" } {


log local0. "Requesting stats count is [STATS::get breakthroughs_presentations count]"


HTTP::respond 200 content "



Breakthroughs Presentations Statistics Page


Client Type Counters


Total Requests: [STATS::get breakthroughs_presentations count]



Mobile App Requests: [STATS::get breakthroughs_presentations count_mobile]








elseif { [HTTP::uri] eq "/about/events-education/breakthroughs/2013/connection-cafe/presentations/reset" } {


log local0. "Resetting Breakthroughs Presentations Statistics"


STATS::set breakthroughs_presentations count


STATS::set breakthroughs_presentations count_mobile


HTTP::respond 200 content "



Breakthroughs Presentations Statistics Reset


Breakthroughs Presentations Statistics have been reset to zeros







Only log for now if we make it past the statstics


log local0. "[IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port] (UA: [HTTP::header "User-Agent"] -> [HTTP::host][HTTP::uri]"


if { ( [HTTP::header "User-Agent"] contains "CFNetwork" ) or ( [HTTP::header "User-Agent"] contains "BlackBerry" ) } {


This appears to be the mobile app, change the URI


STATS::incr breakthroughs_presentations count_mobile


set newpath "/about/events-education/breakthroughs/2013/mobile/presentations/[URI::basename [HTTP::uri]]"


HTTP::uri $newpath




else {


Not the mobile app, so just increment the counter and leave the URI alone


STATS::incr breakthroughs_presentations count









The problem I am having is that hitting the /stats reporting page shows different numbers than what is shown by viewing the profile statistics in the GUI and sometimes change by just reloading the page. Using a different browser also can show different numbers. For example, checking the GUI at this moment shows count = 14 and count_mobile = 5, while my IE session says 1 and 0, respectively and my Chrome session reports 1 and 1.



Am I missing something?


2 Replies

  • i think because of cmp.



    10.0, statistics profiles are not fully CMP compatible. Each TMM instance uses a separate instance of the statistic profile. The cumulative counts are shown in the GUI and when polled via SNMP.CMP Compatibility (Statistics Profiles)