Forum Discussion

Frank_Misak_116's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
May 22, 2013

iRule and/or SSL profile?

I am very new to F5 and am having difficulty figuring out how to configure an application to work in the manner below. Does this require an iRule and editing a server ssl profile? I really don't know where to start here.



Logic flow and info.


IF request coming in is http needs redirect to https


If the URL contains it should use the NEW_WEB1_pool


If the URL does not end in /komws, use the WEB1_pool




Terminate SSL at the F5 using wildcard cert


Forward to pool using http (80)




Terminate SSL at the F5 using server cert


Use source IP affinity


Forward to pool using https (443)




I have both the wildcard certificate (for the WEB1_pool) and the server certificate (for the NEW_WEB1_pool) loaded onto the F5. Currently we are just doing SSL pass-thru to a single pool which works fine, however we need to split this out into two pools functioning as indicated above. I'm lost.


4 Replies

  • First things first, create TWO VIPs:

    1. A port 80 (HTTP) VIP with nothing in it but an HTTP profile and the _sys_https_redirect iRule. This will cause all requests to HTTP:// to be immediately redirected to the HTTPS VIP.

    2. A port 443 (HTTPS) VIP that accepts requests to your application/pools.

    Now, you cannot make a layer 6 decision (which client SSL profile to use) based on a layer 7 characteristic such as the URI. You can, however, switch profiles based on the server name using SNI (Server Name Indicator), an extension of the TLS protocol.

    Aside from that, apply a server SSL profile to the HTTPS VIP and use an iRule like this:

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        if { [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] starts_with "/komws" } {
             send to NEW_WEB1_pool
            pool NEW_WEB1_pool
            persist source_addr 0
        } else {
             send to WEB1_pool and disable the server SSL profile
            SSL::disable serverside
            pool WEB1_pool

    Question: how did you want to do persistence for the port 80 traffic?
  • Thanks for the reply. We already have a redirect in place, but not sure it's the way you recommended. Below are the pieces of the configuration (scrubbed of course) as it is now. I'm not sure how to incorporate what you recommend into what is already in place? Appreciate any and all help.



    ltm pool /DMZ/ {


    app-service /DMZ/


    load-balancing-mode least-connections-node


    members {


    /DMZ/ {




    app-service /DMZ/




    /DMZ/ {




    app-service /DMZ/






    monitor /DMZ/WEB1_https_monitor


    slow-ramp-time 300



    ltm rule /DMZ/WEB1_redir {


    when HTTP_REQUEST {


    switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] {


    "/contracts" { HTTP::redirect "" }


    "/ppl" { HTTP::redirect "" }


    "/komws" { HTTP::redirect "" }


    default { HTTP::redirect "" }








    ltm rule /DMZ/WEB1_sorry {


    when HTTP_REQUEST {


    if {[active_members WEB1_pool] < 1}{


    HTTP::redirect } }




    ltm virtual /DMZ/ {


    app-service /DMZ/


    destination /DMZ/


    ip-protocol tcp




    profiles {


    /DMZ/ { }


    /DMZ/ {


    context serverside




    /DMZ/ {


    context clientside






    rules {






    translate-address enabled


    translate-port enabled






    ltm virtual /DMZ/ {


    app-service /DMZ/


    destination /DMZ/


    ip-protocol tcp




    persist {


    /Common/source_addr {


    default yes






    pool /DMZ/


    profiles {


    /Common/fastL4 { }




    translate-address enabled


    translate-port enabled





    ltm monitor https /DMZ/WEB1_https_monitor {


    cipherlist DEFAULT:+SHA:+3DES:+kEDH


    compatibility enabled


    defaults-from /Common/https


    destination *:*


    interval 30


    password password


    recv "Application Health = GOOD"


    send "GET /mah/Default.aspx HTTP/1.1\\r\\nHost:\\r\\nConnection: Close\\r\\n\\r\\n"


    time-until-up 0


    timeout 91


    username uid=username,ou=administration,dc=whatever,dc=com





    ltm persistence cookie /DMZ/ {


    app-service /DMZ/



    ltm profile client-ssl /DMZ/ {


    app-service /DMZ/


    cert /Common/ABC-Wildcard-Cert.crt


    defaults-from /Common/clientssl


    key /Common/ABC-Wildcard-Key.key



    ltm profile http /DMZ/ {


    app-service /DMZ/


    defaults-from /Common/http


    redirect-rewrite matching



    ltm profile http-compression /DMZ/ {


    app-service /DMZ/


    content-type-include { text/ application/ "application/(xml|x-javascript|javascript|x-ecmascript|ecmascript)" "application/(word|doc|msword|winword|ms-word|x-word|x-msword|vnd.word|


    vnd.msword|" "application/(xls|excel|msexcel|ms-excel|x-excel|x-xls|xmsexcel|x-ms-excel|vnd.excel|vnd.msexcel|" "application/(powerpoint|mspowerpoint|ms-powerpoint|x-powerpoint|x-


    mspowerpoint|vnd.powerpoint|vnd.mspowerpoint||" "application/(mpp|msproject|x-msproject|x-ms-project|" "application/(visio|x-visio|vnd.visio|vsd|x-vsd|x-vsd)"


    "application/(pdf|x-pdf|acrobat|vnd.pdf)" }


    defaults-from /Common/wan-optimized-compression



    ltm profile one-connect /DMZ/ {


    app-service /DMZ/


    defaults-from /Common/oneconnect





    ltm profile tcp /DMZ/ {


    app-service /DMZ/


    defaults-from /Common/tcp-lan-optimized




    ltm profile tcp /DMZ/ {


    app-service /DMZ/


    defaults-from /Common/tcp-wan-optimized




  • We already have a redirect in place, but not sure it's the way you recommended. Below are the pieces of the configuration (scrubbed of course) as it is now. I'm not sure how to incorporate what you recommend into what is already in place? i understand what Kevin suggested is to use _sys_https_redirect irule in WEB1_http_virtual virtual server and his irule in WEB1_https_virtual virtual server. in WEB1_https_virtual virtual server, you also have to assign clientssl and serverssl profiles.
  • Kevin,


    I'm still not certain on what you are saying. Based on my current configuration, I already have redirect to https in place. Looking at my config, can you tell me what I need to do next? I'm confused as to when to use and modify a profile versus when to use an iRule. I don't understand where and how I would make the changes you suggest.


