Forum Discussion

Raymond_Feng_97's avatar
Historic F5 Account
Apr 20, 2005

How to use irules to do SIP outbounding proxy?

Hi, everyone


I am trying to do SIP proxy server loadbalance. By now, we can do loadbalance for inbound SIP request, I mean , from the client to the proxy server , just using SIP persistant.


The problem is, when the proxy serverA send outbound SIP request to the remote SIP serverC with one call-ID,the remote SIP serverC response packet is to the inbound virtual server with the same call-ID. But our bigip fail to send this response back to serverA ,since there is no SIP persistant information for this call-ID.


So, can we use irules to write one new persistant information at our SIP persistant table when serverA to send outbound SIP packet? I mean , when ServerA to send outbound SIP packet, we use irules to write one persistant information, call-ID and the serverA IP (Souce IP).So when the response packet back , bigip can found at persistant table, and send the responce back to serverA.






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