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Eduardo_Saito_1's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 12, 2006

Newbie at SOAP - Cache

Hi everyone. I'm newbie at SOAP and I'm trying to list my cache entries using SOAP::Lite.



My code:


sub handle_listar()




(@object_list) = @_;



if (0 == scalar(@object_list))









$soapResponse = $RAMCacheInformation->get_ramcache_entry




SOAP::Data->name(profile_name => @object_list)






@cache_list = @{$soapResponse->result};





foreach $chave (@object_list)




print "Search for: '$chave'\n";


print "Result: @cache_list"








I`m getting:


SOAP-ENV:Server Could not find element by name: keys





2 Replies

  • Good to see you worked out the original issue with the inbound keys parameter. You are very close now.



    I see two issues with your code. First, you are passing in an array into the profile_name member of the keys structure. This is just truncating it to a single value but I'm not sure if that is what you are intending. For multiple profiles, you'll have to pass in multiple key parameters in the array.



    Another issue you are having is that the returned value is a 2-D array and when you are dereferencing the first dimension of the array in your first foreach statement, it is casting the 2nd dimension array into a scalar so your second foreach statement has no items to enumerate over.



    Here's is a script that illustrates one way to enumerate the ram cache entries.



     The contents of this file are subject to the "END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR F5
     Software Development Kit for iControl"; you may not use this file except in
     compliance with the License. The License is included in the iControl
     Software Development Kit.
     Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
     basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
     the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
     under the License.
     The Original Code is iControl Code and related documentation
     distributed by F5.
     The Initial Developer of the Original Code is F5 Networks,
     Inc. Seattle, WA, USA. Portions created by F5 are Copyright (C) 1996-2004 F5 Networks,
     Inc. All Rights Reserved.  iControl (TM) is a registered trademark of F5 Networks, Inc.
     Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms
     of the GNU General Public License (the "GPL"), in which case the
     provisions of GPL are applicable instead of those above.  If you wish
     to allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of the
     GPL and not to allow others to use your version of this file under the
     License, indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and
     replace them with the notice and other provisions required by the GPL.
     If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your
     version of this file under either the License or the GPL.
    use SOAP::Lite + trace => qw(method debug);
    use SOAP::Lite;
    use MIME::Base64;
    use Math::BigInt;
    use iControlTypeCast;
     Validate Arguments
    my $sHost = $ARGV[0];
    my $sPort = $ARGV[1];
    my $sUID = $ARGV[2];
    my $sPWD = $ARGV[3];
    my $sProfile = $ARGV[4];
    my $sProtocol = "https";
    if ( ("80" eq $sPort) or ("8080" eq $sPort) )
      $sProtocol = "http";
    if ( ($sHost eq "") or ($sPort eq "") or ($sUID eq "") or ($sPWD eq "") or ($sProfile eq "") )
      die ("Usage: host port uid pwd profile\n");
     Transport Information
    sub SOAP::Transport::HTTP::Client::get_basic_credentials
      return "$sUID" => "$sPWD";
    $RAMCacheInformation = SOAP::Lite
      -> uri('urn:iControl:LocalLB/RAMCacheInformation')
      -> proxy("$sProtocol://$sHost:$sPort/iControl/iControlPortal.cgi");
    eval { $RAMCacheInformation->transport->http_request->header
      'Authorization' => 
        'Basic ' . MIME::Base64::encode("$sUID:$sPWD", '')
    ); };
    sub getRAMCacheInformation()
      $keys = 
        profile_name => $sProfile,
        host_name => "",
        uri => "",
        maximum_responses => 100
      $soapResponse = $RAMCacheInformation->get_ramcache_entry
        SOAP::Data->name(keys => [$keys])
      @RAMCacheEntryAofA = @{$soapResponse->result};
      for $i (0 .. $RAMCacheEntryAofA)
        $key_no = $i+1;
        print "Key $key_no\n";
        @RAMCacheEntryList = @{$RAMCacheEntryAofA[$i]};
        for $j (0 .. $RAMCacheEntryList)
          $RAMCacheEntry = @RAMCacheEntryList[$j];
          $profile_name = $RAMCacheEntry->{"profile_name"};
          $host_name = $RAMCacheEntry->{"host_name"};
          $uri = $RAMCacheEntry->{"uri"};
          $vary_type = $RAMCacheEntry->{"vary_type"};
          $vary_count = $RAMCacheEntry->{"vary_count"};
          $hits = $RAMCacheEntry->{"hits"};
          $received = $RAMCacheEntry->{"received"};
          $last_sent = $RAMCacheEntry->{"last_sent"};
          $expiration = $RAMCacheEntry->{"expiration"};
          $size = $RAMCacheEntry->{"size"};
          print "  [$j]\n";
          print "    profile name: $profile_name\n";
          print "    host name   : $host_name\n";
          print "    uri         : $uri\n";
          print "    vary_type   : $vary_type\n";
          print "    vary_count  : $vary_count\n";
          print "    hits        : $hits\n";
          print "    received    : $received\n";
          print "    last sent   : $last_sent\n";
          print "    expiration  : $expiration\n";
          print "    size        : $size\n";
    sub checkResponse()
      my ($soapResponse) = (@_);
      if ( $soapResponse->fault )
        print $soapResponse->faultcode, " ", $soapResponse->faultstring, "\n";



    Hope this helps...



  • Hi.



    I found this CR that is related to the problem and I think it is causing problem with iControl too.



    Deleting RAM Cache entries (CR72173)


    The bigpipe utility has a limited number of arguments that are available for deleting RAM cache entries. To work around this issue, you can delete RAM cache entries in the following ways:



    * To delete an individual RAM cache entry, you must fully specify the URI and host (for example,uri /Badger.html host delete).


    * To delete all of the RAM cache entries for one or more HTTP profiles, you must include the HTTP profiles separated by a space, followed by ramcache entry all delete (for example, bigpipe profile http myhttp yourhttp ramcache entry all delete).


    * To delete all of the ramcache entries for all of the HTTP profiles, use the following command: profile http all ramcache entry all delete




    Note that the http profile ramcache entry show command allows more flexible matching of URI and host names than the above.


