Forum Discussion

John_Glass_3854's avatar
Historic F5 Account
Sep 13, 2006

Modification of http response header when using HTTP::redirect




I think I'm trying to do something very basic - redirect all HTTP traffic for a given virtual address to the HTTPS virtual server. I found SOL3847 at Ask F5, which appeared to be exactly what I was looking for. (I'm running 9.2.2)



rule redirector {


This iRule redirects all HTTP traffic to


the SSL virtual. From SOL3847.




HTTP::redirect https://[HTTP::host][HTTP::uri]







The issue is that using this rule alone results in an HTTP response header being sent back to the client indicating:



"Server: BIG-IP"



I would like to replace "BIG-IP" with "Company Name". Usually, I accomplish this via:





HTTP::header replace Server "Company Name"





However, it appears as though the HTTP_RESPONSE test is not being met when the redirect is issued directly from the BIG-IP.



Is there a way to replace the Server response header in iRules - or is that a potential stream profile candidate?



Finally, the redirect issued is a 302. Any idea why a 301 is not being sent for what is effectively a permanent situation?






6 Replies

  • I don't believe you can override the header values in the HTTP::redirect command. But, you can always use the HTTP::respond command to send back any respond code you wish. And, that command allows you to add headers.



    HTTP::respond [content ] [ ]+



    when HTTP_REQUEST {
      HTTP::respond 302 Location "" "Server" "Company Name"



    The downside to this is that it will return two Server headers, one with "Company Name" and another with the default "BIG-IP". Looks like that one is hard coded in there.



    The reason a "HTTP::header replace" won't work is that that is in the context of a request. The HTTP::redirect and respond generate new response messages with their own set of headers. I'm not sure if a stream profile will work on headers in BIG-IP generated responses, but it's worth a try.



    If you want to change the response code to a 301, go ahead and change it in the respond command.



    *Update* - should have checked to see that deb already responded...



  • With this request:



    HTTP::respond 302 "Location" "" "Server" "My Company"



    here are the response headers returned to my client.



    HTTP/1.0 302 Found




    Server: My Company


    Server: BIG-IP


    Connection: close


    Content-Length: 0



  • Deb_Allen_18's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Thanks for that, I'll include in the casenotes.


    (Connection header response must be conditional to request...)



  • John_Glass_3854's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Deb and Joe - thanks for taking this on.



    Deb, yes, this is very important to my company. Please post the CR number and I will open a support case.



    For the record - I did go ahead and try a stream profile. It would not replace BIG-IP with "Company Name".



    I would very much like to manipulate all response headers (heck, why not all headers?) while using http::redirect.




