Forum Discussion

kai_wang_48807's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 02, 2007

uri query usage

Please help check the following usage


When CLIENT uri is like



The BIGIP prompt the following iRule is wrong:


set query [URI::query [HTTP::uri] "ABC"]


log local0. "msisdn is $query"


set path [URI::path [HTTP::uri] "ABC" "&"]


log local0. "Path of uri [HTTP::uri] is $path"



Please give some suggestion


2 Replies

  • I'm not sure exactly what your question is so I'll just analyze your iRule and hopefully that will give you the answers you need.

    1. The First "set query" line looks fine. This should log "msisdn is 123".

    2. The "set path" line has a couple of issues.

    First of all, the URI::path command is to extract the path portion of the URI, not the query portion where ABC resides.

    Here's the format of the uri:


    The HTTP::uri is formatted with a path and optional query string

    [HTTP::uri] -> path?query

    Also, the URI::path command doesn't take strings as arguments, but directory indexes in the path. So for /foo/bar/foobar, to get /bar you would use

    set path [URI::path [HTTP::uri] 2 2]

    The 2's represent the start and end directory. in this case, I just want directory 2 or /bar).

    Here's an iRule that illustrates parsing a URI. Hopefully this will shed some light on the usage of these methods:

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
      log local0. "----------------------"
      log local0. "URI Information"
      log local0. "----------------------"
      log local0. "HTTP::uri: [HTTP::uri]"
      log local0. "----------------------"
      log local0. "Path Information"
      log local0. "----------------------"
      log local0. "HTTP::path: [HTTP::path]"
      set depth [URI::path [HTTP::uri] depth]
      for {set i 1} {$i <= $depth} {incr i} {
        set dir [URI::path [HTTP::uri] $i $i]
        log local0. "dir\[$i\]: $dir"
      log local0. "Basename: [URI::basename [HTTP::uri]]"
      log local0. "----------------------"
      log local0. "Query Information"
      log local0. "----------------------"
      log local0. "HTTP::query: [HTTP::query]"
      set namevals [split [HTTP::query] "&"]
      for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $namevals]} {incr i} {
        set params [split [lindex $namevals $i] "="]
        set pnum [expr $i+1]
        log local0. "Param\[$pnum\]: [lindex $params 0]"
          Commented out to show how to use URI::query in the next line.  Both
          lines produce the same output.
        log local0. "Value\[$pnum\]: [lindex $params 1]"
        log local0. "Value\[$pnum\]: [URI::query [HTTP::uri] [lindex $params 0]]"

    When passed in with "http://host/123/456=?456=sss&ABC=123&SSS" (I've added an extra directory to show out it will output), here are the log results:


    URI Information


    HTTP::uri: /123/456=?456=sss&ABC=123&SSS


    Path Information


    HTTP::path: /123/456=

    dir[1]: /123/

    Basename: 456=


    Query Information


    HTTP::query: 456=sss&ABC=123&SSS

    Param[1]: 456

    Value[1]: sss

    Param[2]: ABC

    Value[2]: 123

    Param[3]: SSS


  • Hi, Joe





    Sorry, the first is also wrong for the v9.1.1 Build 54.6


    set query [URI::query [HTTP::uri] "ABC"]


    log local0. "msisdn is $query"



    The error seems be caused by "ABC".





