Forum Discussion

Marc_Bergeron_5's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Aug 15, 2007

Process POST data

I'm looking to patch a security issue in our application until our developers have time to do their thing, and I'm hoping to do it with iRules.



What I have is a log-in page, login.asp, that doesn't validate any of its 3 fields: username, password, email. I successfully made a rule to remove brackets, slashes, and whatever else from the POST data, then realized that users may have these characters in their passwords. This example removes <, >, or % from posts and replaces them with NULL, in turn invaliding their attempt:





if {[string tolower [HTTP::path]] contains "login.asp"} {


set newPayload [string map {< "" > "" % ""} [HTTP::payload]]


HTTP::payload replace 0 [HTTP::payload length] $newPayload




log local0. "new payload: $newPayload"







In order to ignore the password field, I figure I need to parse the POST data, scrub all submit data except for the Password, then reassemble it back into HTTP:payload. Is there a simple way to do this. My typical payload looks like this:




6 Replies

  • I think you will have to do it that way unfortunately and I don't have any examples. If you have a 6400 or higher you could always add the Application Security Manager which is made to do these kinds of things.
  • Deb_Allen_18's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Maybe this?
      if {[string tolower [HTTP::path]] contains "login.asp"} {
         save original password value
        set pw [findstr [HTTP::payload] "&password=" 10 &]
         strip special characters from entire payload
        set newPayload [string map {< "" > "" % ""} [HTTP::payload]]
         if original pw value was changed, replace original value
        if {[string first &password=$pw $newPayload] < 0 }{ 
          regsub {("&password=)(.*?)(&)?} $newPayload {\1$pw\3} newPayload
        HTTP::payload replace 0 [HTTP::payload length] $newPayload
        log local0. "new payload: $newPayload"

    Should work regardless of password parameter position.

  • That doesn't seem to be working. I'm not well versed in regex, but there seems to be a handful of issues:


    regsub {("&password=)(.*?)(&)?} $newPayload {\1$pw\3} newPayload



    There's an extra double-quote at the beginning of the expression and the (&) only matches if the payload has variables after the password, correct? I found that removing the stray double-quote returned this payload while filtering out @ and using password 1111@: membername=marcb&password=$pw1111



    If I removed the (&) constraint:


    regsub {(&password=)(.*?)?} $newPayload {\1$pw\3} newPayload



    I got this payload: membername=marcb&password=$pw



    Closer, but not quite there. I need it to expect that there may be more variables, so the (&) needs to be (&|\n) or something to that effect, but I can't figure out what it should be. Next, I need to figure out why the $pw variable is printing instead of its value.



    Thanks for the help.



  • Here is a regex that will match just the password parameter value:






    It starts matching after "password=" and stops matching at a literal ampersand or the end of line.



    It matches the bolded section of the following strings:










    You wouldn't need to use the backreferences with this either.



  • Aaron;



    I'm not sure what you mean by wouldn't need to use the backreferences, but I tried your regex in my regsub and got couldn't compile regular expression pattern: invalid embedded option.



    Here's what it looks like:


    regsub {(?<=password=).*?(?=&|$)} $newPayload {\1$pw\3} newPayload


  • Seems like a got a handle on it. For some reason, regsub won't fill in the variable is it's in curly brackets, but removing them was returning membername=marcb&1111@ (the word password= is gone). I simply added password= to the subSpec part of regsub this way:


    regsub {(password=)(.*?)(&|$)} $newPayload password=$pw newPayload



    Thanks for all the help.