Forum Discussion

Steve_Brown_882's avatar
Historic F5 Account
Mar 27, 2008

Weblogic IIS Issues

So I am going crazy trying to trouble shoot an LTM/IIS/Weblogic issue. So I have an application that flows like so.



-->LTM VIP-->IIS Proxy-->Weblogic



We are terminating SSL on the LTM VIP and I have included the WLPRoxy = True header which works fine. The traffic is then sent to the IIS Proxy on port 8080 which forwards to weblogic on port 80. The issue is that for some reason the links come back with :443 taked on to them. Something like this.







I think something in the app is causing this but I really can't seem to figure out what. Obviously I could rip it out with an irule/stream profile but I would prefer to actually figure out what is causing it. I am hoping someone has seen something like this before. I have found people complaining about this sort of behhavior with tomcat too, so it may be more of an IIS deal???



Any thoughts?

3 Replies

  • I ran into this very issue before so I used this article to help me. This allowed me to avoid using a Reverse Proxy



    Check this out: Click here
  • Steve_Brown_882's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    I am pretty sure I can fix the issue with an irule without a problem, and parts of that irule certainly fit portions of what I would need to do it with, but it is not quite what I was hoping for. Unfortunately I did not design the application and cannot really change a whole lot about it. I was actually hoping for to find someone who had resolved this issue without the F5 being involved as I think this is either a weblogic setting or something in IIS inserting this :443 or :80 when we go straight http. I think in this case an irule/stream would be more of a bandaide fix and is probably going to be my last resort.
  • Deb_Allen_18's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    I've run into similar IIS behaviour when you configure SSL on a non-standard (!443) port, but if you're talking about imbedded links, the most likely suspect is WL, since it is generating the content, right?



    Is there a "WLProxyPort" header that WL will look at, maybe?


