Forum Discussion

Nathan_Bultman_'s avatar
Historic F5 Account
Jul 02, 2008

nested quotation marks within 200 content

Trying to assist with proof of concept, and I have a basic 200 response page working, however the customer needs quoted strings in the content, which breaks things on loading the rule.



They need elements like



3 Replies

  • Enclose the response content in braces. Then as long as you don't have braces in your content, you should be good to go. You could also likely

    when HTTP_RESPONSE { 
       if { ([HTTP::status] >= 400) and ([HTTP::status] < 500)} { 
         HTTP::respond 200 content { 
  • Deb_Allen_18's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Just linked to this post from an article I wrote a while back about Delimiters: Braces, Brackets, Quotes and more (Click here), as I see I didn't address that use case - thanks guys!


