Forum Discussion

craff_17758's avatar
Historic F5 Account
Jul 22, 2008

Forcing down a pool member?

Reviewing the LocalL PoolMember wiki, I see that we have a way to disable a pool member for new sessions (LocalLB PoolMember set_session_enabled_state) , but how can this be taken a step further to actually force the pool member down?



There is an option to force a pool member down available in EM, so it would be reasonable to expect that there is an iControl for that.



Any ideas?

2 Replies

  • Check this thread:





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  • craff_17758's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    Citizen_elah, pretty close, but I'm looking for a way to do it in the less-graceful way. "Session disabled" still allows persisted connections. Even "Forced down" allows active connections to continue until they are closed, and that's as much grace as we need.