Forum Discussion

jay_41157's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Dec 17, 2008

double wildcard match for uri patterns




Is it possible to use 2 wildcards when checking for a uri ?



For ex,



I want to look for








so for the above can I do....






maybe with reg expressions ?







10 Replies

  • Hi Jay,

    You can use string match with multiple wildcards:

     string match -nocase "*pattern*" "some string" 

    Or you could use the -glob flag for switch:

     switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] { 
        "uri1*xxxURI2*" { 

    Either string-based option would be more efficient than a regex.

  • Aaron,



    Thanks for the response. However I am unclear on the syntax...



    how does the below look?



    if { [HTTP::uri] equals string match -nocase "portal/aaa/org/memberapp?*pageLabel=application*" } {


    HTTP::redirect http://redirecttotaget







    All I have a total of 3 patterns that i will need to check for... so should I just use or statements ? or try and integrate this with a matchclass I had run into problems using a wildcard with a match class in the past.







  • If you have multiple patterns you want to check, a switch statement would help keep them organized:



       when HTTP_REQUEST {   
           Check requested URI   
          switch -glob [HTTP::uri] {   
             "*pattern1* -   
             "*pattern2* -   
             "*pattern3* {   
                 Execute this code for the first three patterns   
                HTTP::redirect ""   
             "*pattern4* -   
             "*pattern5* {   
                 Execute this code for the next two patterns   
                HTTP::redirect ""   
             default {   
                 Execute this code for the any cases that haven't been matched   
                HTTP::redirect ""   



    Else, if you wanted to use a single if statement you could do something like this:



       when HTTP_REQUEST {   
           Check requested URI   
          if { ([string match -nocase "portal/aaa/org/memberapp?*pageLabel=application*" [HTTP::uri] ]) \   
             or ([string match -nocase "*pattern2*" [HTTP::uri]]) \   
             or ([string match -nocase "*pattern3*" [HTTP::uri]])}{   
             log local0. "[IP::client_addr]:[TCP::client_port]: Matched check for [HTTP::uri]"   
             HTTP::redirect http://redirecttotaget   



  • great, thanks. which option is more efficient in the irule ?



  • I've read in the forums and an old article (Click here) that an if statement is more efficient than a switch for a handful of comparisons. After that a switch is more efficient. At some point (around 100 elements) a datagroup would be more efficient than a switch. I haven't actually tested this before though.



    I'd guess the difference isn't huge for a handful of comparisons. I think it's more important that you use a form that's easy for you to read.



    If speed/resource usage is critical for you, you can test the versions using the timing command (Click here).



  • I dont think for this specific change we are at the point where speed / resource usage is an issues since this will be in place only for a couple of hours.



    I was curious if one was better over the other.



    Thanks for your help.
  • if i use:



    or ([string match -nocase [HTTP::uri] "/portal/acs/corg/memberapp?jay"]) that works, however if I use:




    or ([string match -nocase [HTTP::uri] "/portal/acs/corg/memberapp?*jay=*"])}{ -- seems like the * does not work as a wildcard...


    any thoughts ?






  • the 1st or the second wild card neither of them are matched.






    I tried to use the below uri to test:



    /portal/acs/corg/memberapp?111jay=222; this does not match, I try to swap the *'s individually and same results. I will try to use \ for escaping ?



  • using:



    or ([string match -nocase [HTTP::uri] "/portal/acs/corg/memberapp/jay?*"])}{



    I get the * to work as a wild card.. what I need is to have a string append at the end of the wild card .
  • Sorry... I had the pattern and string reversed in my last post. It should be:



    string match -nocase $pattern $string_to_compare


