Forum Discussion

bilco105_9926's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 11, 2009

get_object_status PHP

I'm trying to write a php app which uses iControl on the GTM and LTM.



So far I have the following..;



// Create SOAP instance


$args = array('soap_version' => SOAP_1_1,


'location' => "https://$host:443/iControl/iControlPortal.cgi",


'login' => $login,


'uri' => 'urn:iControl:GlobalLB/WideIP',


'password' => $password);


$this->_client = new SoapClient(null, $args);



// List Wide-IP's


$wide_ips = $this->_client->get_list();



Now - this works and I get an array back. But when I try and call get_object_status, I get the same error over and over..;



[SOAP-ENV:Server] Could not find element by name: wide_ips



I've tried so many different ways of calling it..;


$wide_ips_status = $this->_client->get_object_status(array('wide_ips' => $wide_ips));


$wide_ips_status = $this->_client->get_object_status($wide_ips);


etc etc.



How should I be calling it?




1 Reply

  • You are not launching SoapClient in WSDL mode, you need to give SoapClient the WSDL file either as a local file or a URL.



    I modifed your code, so it works now. Note that "location" is now a variable which is used to form the start of the WSDL URL for the SoapClient



    I assume you are using PHP 5.1+



     $location = "https://$host:443/iControl/iControlPortal.cgi"; 
     // Create SOAP instance 
     $args = array('soap_version' => SOAP_1_1, 
     'location' => $location, 
     'login' => $login, 
     'password' => $password); 
     //note the SoapClient is called with WSDL as a first parameter 
     $this->_client = new SoapClient($location . '?WSDL=GlobalLB.WideIP', $args); 
     //get WideIPs from iControl 
     $wide_ips = $this->_client->get_list(); 
     // List Wide-IP's 
     //get object status 



    Hope this helps.

