Forum Discussion

Wes_98098's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Jul 24, 2009


Hello, I have a BIG-IP 9.1.2 Build 40.6 that I'm trying to query with the PowerShell iControls and I'm not sure about the results I'm getting back.



Here are the steps that I have been through:



add-pssnapin icontrolsnapin


Initialize-F5.iControl -hostname ... (I'm getting logged in fine)


$ic = Get-F5.iControl


$objVirtualServers = $ic.LocalLBVirtualServer.get_list()


$objPools = $ic.LocalLBVirtualServer.get_default_pool_name($objVirtualServers[0])


$objPoolMembers = $ic.LocalLBPool.get_member($objPools)





address port


------- ---- 80 80 80 80






member object_status


------ -------------


iControl.CommonIPPortDefinition iControl.LocalLBObjectStatus


iControl.CommonIPPortDefinition iControl.LocalLBObjectStatus


iControl.CommonIPPortDefinition iControl.LocalLBObjectStatus


iControl.CommonIPPortDefinition iControl.LocalLBObjectStatus






member session_status


------ --------------




iControl.CommonIPPortDefinition SESSION_STATUS_ENABLED


iControl.CommonIPPortDefinition SESSION_STATUS_ENABLED






So my question is: Why am I getting results that say "iControl.CommonIPPortDefinition" and "iControl.LocalLBObjectStatus"?

3 Replies

  • Let's look at the get_object_status method first. The signature for that method is:



     MemberObjectStatus [] [] LocalLB.PoolMember.get_object_status( 
       in String [] pool_names 



    The returned value is a 2-D array of MemberObjectStatus structures, one array for each pool_name passed in with the pool_names array.



    The MemberObjectStatus structure is defined as follows:



     struct MemberObjectStatus { 
       IPPortDefinition member; 
       ObjectStatus object_status; 
     struct IPPortDefinition { 
       string address; 
       long port; 
     struct ObjectStatus { 
       AvailabilityStatus availability_status; 
       EnabledStatus enabled_status; 
       string status_description; 



    In your code, you are relying on PowerShell to extract all the sub arrays/structures in it's default table formatting and PS doesn't have the TypeData information abailable to do so. You'll need to store the values in a variable and access the child elements and print them out accordingly.



    Look at the CodeShare entry I wrote on PsPoolMemberControl for an example of using that method and interrogating the results:




    Click here




    You would look into the get_session_status output in a similar fashion to get the results for that method.



    In the future, if you go into the API reference for the method you have a question about, at the bottom of the page, there are links to relevant sample code that use that method. On the LocalLB.PoolMember.get_object_status page




    Click here




    there are several PowerShell samples that you can refer to.



    Hope this helps and please don't hesitate to post more questions if they come up.



  • Another thing to point out in your example, you are only passing in the first virtual server (array element 0) returned from the get_list method in the get_default_pool_name method. You can pass the entire array in and you will be returned the default_pool names for all of the virtual servers. Just thought I'd point that out...



  • Thanks for the reply, Joe. I'll take a look at the example you posted... Yeah, I only included the first element in the virtual server array here so I could post the exact results I'm getting (instead of the hundreds of lines of results that my entire script is pulling). I'll let you know if I can get my script working.


