Forum Discussion

3 Replies

  • Hmm, C is not my strong suit either, but try this:



    members_to_remove[0][0].member.address = "";


    members_to_remove[0][0].member.port = Convert.ToInt32("80");


  • Do you mind posting your solution? Even if you answered your own question?
  • You'll want something like this:

     iControl.CommonIPPortDefinition[][] members_to_remove = new CommonIPPortDefinition[1][];   
      allocate first dimension to a 1-d array for the 2nd dimension.  
     members_to_remove[0] = new iControl.CommonIPPortDefinition[1];  
      allocate the second dimension element to a new IPPortDefinition structure.  
     members_to_remove[0][0] = new iControl.CommonIPPortDefinition();  
      add values  
     members_to_remove[0][0].address = "";   
     members_to_remove[0][0].port = 80;
