Forum Discussion

5 Replies

  • You can use 'b conn' from the command line to view/remove connections from the connection table. 'b conn' will only display ~7000 entries though. You can check the 'b conn help' output or search on for details.



  • Thanks. We are having issues with connection to Oracle DB and it times out causing the app to break. I have created a profile with no timeout. Just wanted to have something in hand if connection goes beyond limit. Thanks for your help.
  • It's a bit risky to use an idle timeout of 0 as the connection table entries will never be reaped by LTM. You might consider setting a very long timeout--but not 0. And make sure this TCP profile is only assigned to a VIP which just trusted clients can connect to. It would be fairly easy to hit a memory and/or port exhaustion situation if you're not careful.



  • That makes sens. You might still try setting the idle timeout for a few hours instead of indefinite.



  • The app is weird and cannot handle timeout. Everything breaks after time out and the whole environment needs restart.