Forum Discussion

t_mantel_89732's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Nov 25, 2009

Problems with irule "Pool_Member_Status_Page_on_a_Virtual_Server" after migrating to Bigip LTM v10.0.1 HF3




we did an upgrade from Bigip LTM 9.3.0 HF3 to 10.0.1 HF3 and were using an irule we think was written by Bhattman (cmbhatt)... this one



The previous version was one of the winner in the irule contest and worked fine for us.



Now in version 10.x.x some things and commands are different and so we took your new version of the irule.


But we get an error with it, something like that in /var/log/ltm





Nov 24 13:36:05 local/tmm err tmm[2365]: 01220001:3: TCL error: bigip-poolstatus - can't read "addr": no such variable while executing "append response " >INVALID [string tolower $poolname]$addr$port$f..." ("foreach" body line 36) invoked from wi


thin "foreach { selectedpool } $::pool_member_status_list { if { [catch { scan [split [getfield $se..." invoked from w


ithin "if { [HTTP::uri] eq "/_itools/lbstatus" } { set response "itools kl-lbstatus - \ [clock format [cl..."





hope someone can help us with that.


Thank you




10 Replies

  • Hi t.mantel,



    Replacing $::pool_member_status_list with [class get pool_member_status_list] should do the trick.




  • Hi Bhattman,



    thank you for advise and help. I've updated the irule at both units and checked our according cron entry.


    Everything seems to work fine now, so replacing $::pool_member_status_list with [class get pool_member_status_list] was helpfull.



    have a nice day.



    best regards,






  • DB's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
    Maybe Bhattman can help with this adaptation: in my world my developers love this view but pool names don't mean much to them, virtual server names do. Can you point me in the right direction to be able to add a higher level of information to the output to include Virtual Server names too, as in:



    Virtual_abc --- UP -- Pool_node_1 -- -- 80


    Virtual_abc --- DOWN -- Pool_node_2 -- -- 80


    Virtual_xyz --- UP -- Pool_node_1 -- -- 80





    I've been grasping for straws, looking for a way to issue a bigpipe command from within the iRule to assocate pool names to each pool name that gets parsed out in your most excellent script. If I could, I'd also try to add some simple statistics (like current connection counts found in "b virtual all").
  • Hi DB,


    I have been thinking about that for sometime now, as one of my clients asked about this. I figure I would need to build a iControl script that would output the information I need to run the pool status. I just haven't sat down and wrote it yet.



  • Seems like it might be easier to give them readonly access to the GUI and have them use the network map and/or stats pages. Or if you want to customise it you could use iControl like this and add the connection info:





    PerlLocalTrafficMap - This application will replicate the network map functionality found in the BIG-IP management GUI with a perl console application.



    PsLocalTrafficMap - This application will replicate the network map functionality found in the BIG-IP management GUI with a PowerShell console implementation.



  • Hi Folks,



    we solved this by using a local file where we store nodenames like the /etc/hosts at unix/linux systems, and source this file within the irule



    set nodelist [class get node_screen_name_list]



    have a nice day



  • Hi Toby,


    Is this local file manually updated or automatically updated when a VS and pool is added?







  • Hi,



    we do updates to this files manually because usally our nodes and hostnames don't change very often.


    we did a grep for some services like dns which we want to monitor ... code is from a internal developer ...



    We got a cronjob at /etc/cron.daily which does ...











    failoverstatus und syncstatus bestimmen


    folgender befehl sollte entweder standby oder active liefern


    STATE=`b failover show | awk '{print $2}'`


    folgender befehl liefert eine '0' wenn im SYNC oder 1,2 oder 3 wenn nicht im Sync


    SYNC_VORHER=`b config sync show | grep Status | awk '{print $2}'`



    if [ "$STATE" = "active" ]; then


    erzeugen der neuen Listen


    echo "Erzeuge vorlaeufige Pool- und Node-Liste" >> $LOG


    b pool all member all -n | grep -i " ACTIVE" |egrep ":25|:80|:110|:53|:995|:7210" | awk '{print "\""$3"\","}' | sort >/var/class/pool_member_status_list.class.tmp


    b node all screen | awk '{print "\"" $2 "/" $6 "\","}' > /var/class/node_screen_name_list.class.tmp





    achtung diff liefert exitcode 0 bei gleichheit


    if ! diff /var/class/pool_member_status_list.class.tmp /var/class/pool_member_status_list.class >> $LOG ; then




    elif ! diff /var/class/node_screen_name_list.class.tmp /var/class/node_screen_name_list.class >> $LOG ; then






    if [ $CHK = 'gleich' ]; then


    echo "keine Aenderungen, nix zu tun [$CHK]" >> $LOG




    echo "Es gibt Aenderungen [$CHK]" >> $LOG


    mv /var/class/pool_member_status_list.class.tmp /var/class/pool_member_status_list.class 2>>$LOG >>$LOG


    mv /var/class/node_screen_name_list.class.tmp /var/class/node_screen_name_list.class 2>>$LOG >>$LOG


    in jedem Fall laden, denn ich bin ja auf dem aktiven System


    echo "Lade neue Config" >> $LOG


    b load 2>>$LOG >>$LOG



    wenn die Config auf der aktiven Maschine geaendert wurde


    auf den Peer syncen. Der Sync transferriert auch die


    gerade neue erzeugten class-Files


    ABER nur, wenn vorher gesynct war


    if [ "$SYNC_VORHER" = "0" ]; then


    echo "synce $SYNC_VORHER" >> $LOG


    b config sync all 2>>$LOG >>$LOG








    echo "ich bin standby -> Listen werden nur auf aktivem erzeugt und dann gesynct" >> $LOG




    exit 0






    and the class file looks like











    the /var/class/node_screen_name_list.class








