Forum Discussion

Lolo_17756's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 08, 2010

iRule Rewrit URI

Hello i' m has newbee in BigIp world.



I need to modify an URI in the following way:



URi Users = https://hostname/(S(session number))/blabla/



It is possible to rewrite this URI with iRules like these:






Verry thanks for your help




7 Replies

  • Hi Lolo,

    Looking at the original URI I am going to make some assumption that you basically want to strip out the session number? Also the is the some kind of file where .xxx is the extension. I am also assuming that the LTM is terminating the SSL Connection.

    If that is the case the iRule would look something like the following:

     when HTTP_REQUEST { 
        if { [HTTP::host] eq "hostname")} { 
          HTTP::redirect "https://[HTTP::host][URI::path [HTTP::uri] 2][URI::basename [HTTP::uri]]" 

    To break this down:

    HTTP::host will contain the hostname of the URL

    [HTTP::uri] = the entire URI "/(S(session number))/blabla/"

    [URI::path [HTTP::uri] 2] = will look at the path depth at 2. This will result in finding /blabla

    [URI::basename [HTTP::uri]] = will look for the basename of the path which is ""

    Here is a article that talks about parsing a URI (Click here)

    I hope this helps


    Verry thanks for your quick response. All the best



    Gotham City is save



  • Post up your results when you have confirmed whether it has worked or not.



  • Another option for removing the first string between forward slashes is to use scan (Click hereüòû

      when HTTP_REQUEST {  
          Read in everything after the first / that is not a /. 
          Save that to $session_id and everything else to $uri_to_save  
         scan [HTTP::uri] {/%[^/]%s} session_id uri_to_save  
          Rewrite the URI without the session ID  
         HTTP::uri $uri_to_save  

    Here is an example:

    % set uri /my_session_id_string/path/to/preserve?query=string


    % scan $uri {/%[^/]%s} session_id uri_to_save


    % puts $uri_to_save


    % puts $session_id


  • It's OK and i have add filter on file extention:







    set url [HTTP::uri]


    if {[string tolower $url] matches_regex {/\(s\(.*\.(gif|js|css|jpg|bmp)}}




    scan [HTTP::uri] {/%[^/]%s} session_id uri_to_save


    Rewrite the URI without the session ID


    log local0. "$session_id"


    HTTP::uri $uri_to_save







    Thanks all
  • It would be more efficient to use switch and string comparisons to check the object type versus a regex. Here is an example:

     when HTTP_REQUEST { 
         Check the requested path (URI minus query string) 
        switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::path]] { 
           "*.gif" - 
           "*.js" - 
           "*.css" - 
           "*.jpg" - 
           "*.bmp" { 
               Read in everything after the first / that is not a /.  
       Save that to $session_id and everything else to $uri_to_save 
       scan will return the number of matches 
              if {[scan [HTTP::uri] {/%[^/]%s} session_id uri_to_save] == 2}{ 
                  Rewrite the URI without the session ID 
                 log local0. "$session_id" 
                 HTTP::uri $uri_to_save 
