Forum Discussion

praque_135655's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Oct 27, 2013

Not Returning back to the current loadbalancer url from external service

Hi All,

For achieving the below use case i have written the following service.From the current url calling the ezternal Cookiegenerator.html service and SMCookie got generated.

But it is not returning to the current loadbalancer url. After pressing enter button only it is returning to current url(finalusers.html)

Please advise on this i tried with HTTP::retry in HTTP_RESPONSE.

UseCase: 1) Enter LoadBalancer url i.e( Actually it is mapped to”)

2) Enter userid/password (testuser1/p@ssw0rd)

3) Grab userid/Password(i.e Authorization Header) OR SMCOOKIE

4) Call with Authorization Header OR SMCOOKIE (Note user shouldn’t it is redirected to 208 box always we need to show loadbalancer url (

5) Siteminder Authentication returns the Siteminder Cookie

6) AT f5 Grab the SMCookie from 208 box

7) with SMCookie

when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { set cookie 1 set gotpath 0 set smsession "" set def_pool [LB::server pool] set sm 0


when HTTP_REQUEST { if { $gotpath == 0 && $sm == 0 } { pool Rachel_test_8080 HTTP::uri /OAuthDemo/cookiegenerator.html

         if { [HTTP::header exists "Authorization"] } {
          set authzheaders "Authorization: [HTTP::header value Authorization]"

          set request_headers [HTTP::request]  
          set gotpath 1                           

  } elseif { $sm == 1 } {
          pool $def_pool


 log local0. "http_response: cookie:test22=$cookie; status:test22=[HTTP::status]; sm=[HTTP::cookie exists "SMSESSION"]"

 if { [HTTP::cookie exists "SMSESSION"] } {
    set smsession "SMSESSION=[HTTP::cookie value SMSESSION]"
    set sm 1

 if { [HTTP::status] == 404} {
    HTTP::retry $smsession

} Regards, Praque

6 Replies

  • Hi Pretty confusing this. Who would set the cookie ? Is this all on the same virtual server? Returning to the old Path is normally done using a HTTP redirect. Or http response 301 You reset your vars when client connects which is for every request. Not sure I get the complete picture. Regards Wiesmann


        set cookie 1 set gotpath 0 
        set smsession "" 
        set def_pool [LB::server pool] 
        set sm 0  
    when HTTP_REQUEST { 
        if { $gotpath == 0 && $sm == 0 } {
            pool Rachel_test_8080 
            [HTTP::uri] /OAuthDemo/cookiegenerator.html
            set request_headers [HTTP::request]
          if { [HTTP::header exists "Authorization"] } {
              set authzheaders "Authorization: [HTTP::header value Authorization]" 
              set gotpath 1 
              } elseif { 
                    $sm == 1 } {
                    pool $def_pool  
    when HTTP_RESPONSE { 
    log local0. "http_response: cookie:test22=$cookie; status:test22=[HTTP::status]; sm=[HTTP::cookie exists "SMSESSION"]"
        if { [HTTP::cookie exists "SMSESSION"] } { 
            set smsession "SMSESSION=[HTTP::cookie value SMSESSION]"
            set sm 1 
        if { [HTTP::status] == 404} { 
            HTTP::retry $smsession 

    I tried to format the irule a bit better, but it still dosn't make sense to me.

  • Looking at: "set authzheaders" Why do you set a Variable you never reuse again ? What is the purpose of this.


    First request... will select the Pool Rachel_test_8080 (will that Pool accept the Request planned for the other server ?


    when HTTP_REQUEST { if { $gotpath == 0 && $sm == 0 } { pool Rachel_test_8080


    I would think a connection flow diagram would help to understand what you plan to do.


  • Thanks Juerg. Please find the details required. i have removed the authorisation header.


    Steps: 1) User Hitting LoadBalancer URL in Browser ("") This is default POOL(Rachel_Test).


    2) Siteminder challenges the user, Enter userid/password.


    3) Grap userid/password using irule and post to another loadbalancer url( Cookie generator authenticate the user and return the SiteminderCookie(SMCookie). Note this loadbalancer url is mapped to(Rachel_Test_8080).


    4) After grapping the SMCookie and landing page shown to user( (ie default pool url(Rachel_Test))


    when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { set cookie 1 set gotpath 0 set smsession "" set def_pool [LB::server pool] set sm 0


    } when HTTP_REQUEST { if { $gotpath == 0 && $sm == 0 } { pool Rachel_test_8080 [HTTP::uri] /OAuthDemo/cookiegenerator.html set request_headers [HTTP::request] set gotpath 1 } elseif { $sm == 1 } { pool $def_pool


    } } when HTTP_RESPONSE { log local0. "http_response: cookie:test22=$cookie; status:test22=[HTTP::status]; sm=[HTTP::cookie exists "SMSESSION"]" if { [HTTP::cookie exists "SMSESSION"] } { set smsession "SMSESSION=[HTTP::cookie value SMSESSION]" set sm 1 } if { [HTTP::status] == 404} { HTTP::retry $smsession }


        set cookie 1 set gotpath 0 
        set smsession "" 
        set def_pool [LB::server pool] set sm 0 
    when HTTP_REQUEST { 
        if { $gotpath == 0 && $sm == 0 } { 
            pool Rachel_test_8080 
            [HTTP::uri] /OAuthDemo/cookiegenerator.html 
            set request_headers [HTTP::request] 
            set gotpath 1 
         } elseif { 
                $sm == 1 } { 
                pool $def_pool
    when HTTP_RESPONSE { 
        log local0. "http_response: cookie:test22=$cookie status:test22=[HTTP::status]; sm=[HTTP::cookie exists "SMSESSION"]" 
        if { [HTTP::cookie exists "SMSESSION"] } { 
            set smsession "SMSESSION=[HTTP::cookie value SMSESSION]" 
            set sm 1 
            if { [HTTP::status] == 404} { 
            HTTP::retry $smsession 

    So I understand: Rachel_Test is the Siteminder Pool... Correct ? "You should look for a girl named Sideminder I think ;-)"

    Is, "" and "" resolving on the same virtual ?

    Should the Browser go to or should the connection flow go User BIG-IP1 (VS pool Rachel_Test_8080 which is BIG-IP2 (VS ?

    Normally we build szenarios with Authentication Virutuals using Redirects. In a Redirect you may pack in, Username&Password&originalURI, and on the second BIG-IP you would store this, detect successful login and initiate a Redirect back to BIG-IP 1 (originalURI) including the Cookie aso. Attention, cookie will not be submitted to another Domain, so Authentication should be made doing a redirect to same host but different URI "/OAuthDemo/cookiegenerator.html" and if the URI in a request is /OAuthDemo/cookiegenerator.html you will select the other pool with the authentication Server.

    when HTTP_REQUEST {                
        if { [HTTP::uri] ends_with "/OAuthDemo/cookiegenerator.html"} { 
             pool Rachel_test_8080 } 
             else { 
                   pool $def_pool
  • Hi Kevin,


    Now cookie value returning from external url to current url using the following code.


    when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { log local0. "enter client_accepted:" set cookie 1 set gotpath 0 set smsession "" set def_pool [LB::server pool] set sm 0




    when HTTP_REQUEST { log local0. "enter http_request:: gotpath=$gotpath" if { $gotpath == 0 && $sm == 0 } {


    log local0. "inside _Rachel_8080:" pool Rachel_test_8080 HTTP::uri /OAuthDemo/cookiegenerator.html log local0. "gotpath:::$gotpath;uri:::HTTP::uri /OAuthDemo/cookiegenerator.html" set request_headers [HTTP::request] log local0. "host:::[HTTP::host]" log local0. "request_headers:::$request_headers" set gotpath 1


    } elseif { ([LB::server pool] ne $def_pool) } { pool $def_pool }


    } when HTTP_RESPONSE { log local0. "http_response: cookie:=$cookie; status:=[HTTP::status]; sm=[HTTP::cookie exists "SMSESSION"]" if { ([LB::server pool] ne $def_pool) && [HTTP::cookie exists "SMSESSION"] } { set smsession "SMSESSION=[HTTP::cookie value SMSESSION]" log local0. "smsession$smsession" set sm 1






    Regards, praque