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sturdiva_121901's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 31, 2014

iControl set_key_certificate_file method not working

Running: BIG-IP 11.3.0 Build 3138.0 Hotfix HF7

When making a call to the iControl method LocalLB::ProfileClientSSL::set_key_certificate_file I'm getting back the following error:

SOAP Fault calling submit_transaction: Exception caught in System::urn:iControl:System/Session::submit_transaction() Exception: Common::OperationFailed primary_error_code : 17240906 (0x0107134A) secondary_error_code : 0 error_string : 0107134a:3: File object by name (/apphosting/rice-alt/qa/ is missing.

I'm getting this file path from the get_certificate_list() method, which is returning the following data:

             'is_bundled' => 0,
             'file_name' => '/apphosting/rice-alt/qa/',
             'certificate' => bless( {
                                       'serial_number' => '03:ff:da:2d:73:31:a7:0e:df:35:88:81:bd:eb:d1:d5',
                                       'key_type' => 'KTYPE_RSA_PUBLIC',
                                       'cert_type' => 'CTYPE_CA_SIGNED_NO',
                                       'subject' => bless( {
                                                           'division_name' => '',
                                                           'locality_name' => 'College Park',
                                                           'country_name' => 'US',
                                                           'common_name' => '',
                                                           'state_name' => 'Maryland',
                                                           'organization_name' => 'University of Maryland, College Park'
                                                         }, 'Management::KeyCertificate::X509Data' ),
                                       'expiration_string' => 'Jan 10 12:00:00 2017 GMT',
                                       'version' => '3',
                                       'issuer' => bless( {
                                                          'division_name' => '',
                                                          'locality_name' => '',
                                                          'country_name' => 'US',
                                                          'common_name' => 'DigiCert SHA2 High Assurance Server CA',
                                                          'state_name' => '',
                                                          'organization_name' => 'DigiCert Inc'
                                                        }, 'Management::KeyCertificate::X509Data' ),
                                       'expiration_date' => '1484049600',
                                       'cert_info' => bless( {
                                                               'email' => '',
                                                               'id' => '/apphosting/rice-alt/qa/'
                                                             }, 'Management::KeyCertificate::Certificate' ),
                                       'bit_length' => '2048'
                                     }, 'Management::KeyCertificate::CertificateDetail' )
           }, 'Management::KeyCertificate::CertificateInformation' );

The file mentioned in the error (/apphosting/rice-alt/qa/ does not exist in the filesystem, but manually adding this certificate to an SSLClient profile via the web interface works without error.

What am I doing wrong with this call?

3 Replies

  • Facing the same problem for set_chain_file_v2 method as follows: Exception caught in LocalLB::urn:iControl:LocalLB/ProfileClientSSL::set_chain_file_v2() Exception: Common::OperationFailed primary_error_code : 17240906 (0x0107134A) secondary_error_code : 0 error_string : 0107134a:3: File object by name (citrixinterca) is missing Is there any solution available for this issue?
  • I was getting this same error anytime I attempted to add a Digicert chain to a SSL profile. I finally added it through the web interface and did a call using get_chain_file_v2 to find out what it showed. The chain had a .crt extension on the path. I added that to my automation and bam, it worked. Hope this helps someone else.