Forum Discussion

6 Replies

  • John_Gruber_432's avatar
    Historic F5 Account


    Short answer.. not to my knowledge.

    Long answer... Python requests package has everything you need to make REST calls and fully interogate the the response from the BIG-IP. Using iControl REST with python requests is really easy. You'll need the json package too, but that comes with pythong 2.7+, otherwise simplejson is available via pip or typically your OS's package management.

    Basic workflow is:

    1) create a requests session 2) get the REST URI to manage your object 3) call the get (list), post (create), put (update), or delete (delete) request method for URI on your requests session

    Here is a quick barebone example off the top of my head:

    import json
    import requests
    username = [your BIG-IP user]
    password = [your BIG-IP password]
    hostname = [your BIG-IP host]
     setup up a requests session
    icr_session = requests.session()
    icr_session.auth = (username, password)
     not going to validate the HTTPS certifcation of the iControl REST service
    icr_session.verify = False
     we'll use JSON in our request body and expect it back in the responses
    icr_session.headers.update({'Content-Type': 'application/json'}) 
     this is the base URI for iControl REST
    icr_url = '' % hostname
     Simple example - get all LTM pool attributes
    folder = [your folder name]
    pool_name = [your pool name]
     add the module URI parts
    request_url += icr_url + '/ltm/pool/'
     here is an example of calling an object explicitly.
    request_url += '~' + folder + '~' + pool_name
     call the get method on your requests session
    response = icr_session.get(request_url)
     look at the response
    if response.status_code < 400:
        response_obj = json.loads(response.text)
        print "response %s" % response_obj

    If you learn how to use the '$filter=partition eq ' + folder' query varibale to limit the query scope to a specific folder and the '$select=name,description...' to limit the attributes returned on your BIG-IP objects, you will be off and running.

    I typically prototyping my REST calls in Google Chrome browser POSTMAN application. You'll see the URI, query variables, JSON inputs and outputs required to get exactly what you want from the BIG-IP. Makes it nice, simple, and quick.

    • IRONMAN_183357's avatar
      Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus



      Can you help me, i am getting below error when i try to connect the F5 box


      username= 'admin' password= 'admin' hostname= '' icr_session = requests.session() icr_session.auth = (username, password) icr_session.verify = False icr_session.headers.update({'Content-Type': 'application/json'})


      icr_url = '' % hostname Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 1, in icr_url = '' % hostnameTypeError: not enough arguments for format string