Forum Discussion

3 Replies

  • im not aware of something that is build to do exactly that. if you upload your config to ihealth it will point out some unused object. with statistics you can look for vips that didn't have traffic. but exact time frame depends on your uptime.


  • If you look at the virtual server stats page it will give you the VS availability and state as well as connection information, although the connection info would depend on when you last reset the stats, this is a good place to start. If you have a lot of VSs you could try something like the following 1-liner from the bash shell. This will list out all VSs that have either of the following characteristics, Availability = offline or State = disabled or Total Client-side Connections = 0. You could reset the stats and run this after a week or so and do some more analysis.


    tmsh -q show ltm virtual | grep '^Ltm\|Avail\|State\|Total C' | awk 'BEGIN {RS="Ltm\:\:"; format = "%-55s %-10s %-10s %s\n"; printf format, "VS", "Avail", "State", "Connections" }  $9 !~/enabled/ || $6 ~/offline/ || $12 ~/^0/ {printf format, $3, $6, $9, $12}' 2>/dev/null

    VS              Avail       State       Connections
    VS1             offline     enabled     1
    VS2             available   disabled    16
    VS3             unknown     enabled     0
    VS4             available   enabled     0