Forum Discussion

6 Replies

  • Can you clarify what you're trying to accomplish (perhaps an end-to-end example)? The question seems ambiguous.
  • iRule:


    Redirect when HTTP_REQUEST { if { ([HTTP::uri] == "/") } { HTTP::redirect "http://[HTTP::host]/projector/api" return } }


  • It looks like you also want the redirect to the specific pool member, yes? There is a way to do this, but I'd first ask: why? Usually, one of the purposes of an ADC is to essentially virtualize a service endpoint. The objective is to hide the pool members, not expose them.


  • I dont want to send it to specific pool member, it has to load balance using RR algorithm. I want to append string "/projector/api" to the each node.


  • To clarify, and explain why there is a bit of confusion, it's important to understand a few BIG-IP specific terms. In BIG-IP parlance, a Node is an IP address that is the target of a load-balancing or forwarding decision. A Pool Member is the combination of a node (IP) and target port. A Virtual Server is a virtual listener which accepts traffic, performs ADC or other (e.g., DDoS protection) functions, and possibly forwards or load-balances to one or more Pool Members (or, occasionally, Nodes).

    So, when you say "append a string to each node", that's a bit confusing with the nomenclature above (and hence, my general confusion).

    It seems that what you want is to change the uri-path to "/projector/api" if it is "/". The iRule you have above (formatted a bit differently immediately below) should do what you desire. I did change HTTP::uri to HTTP::path because HTTP::uri may include query parameters. Is your code not working?


    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        if { [HTTP::path] eq "/" } {
            HTTP::redirect "http://[HTTP::host]/projector/api" 


    Incidentally, if you are running at least 11.4.0, you should consider using a Local Traffic Policy for this function: