Forum Discussion

Stefan_Klotz_85's avatar
Sep 30, 2015

serverssl behavior in 11.4.x

We ran into an issue that the SSL handshake on the serverside fails after updating the certificate on the server. Nothing changed on the LB. I'm aware of the serverssl profile behavior change in regards to the order of the TLS-versions, but as I mentioned the LB wasn't touched. Means it is already running v11.4.1 HF8 and everything was fine with the old certificate. After renewing it on the server, the server sends immediately a RST-packet after the client hello. After we disabled TLS1.2 with the "No TLS1.2" option in the serverssl profile (I assume using a cipher like this "DEFAULT:!TLSv1_2" would have the same effect) it was working again. So what kind of sense makes an order if the second or third option will never be used, when the first one fails? Maybe I'm totally wrong at the moment, but can someone explain me the behavior in detail or knows the root cause of this issue?


Thank you!


Ciao Stefan :)


5 Replies

  • Started to answer this one, but realized that none of them was viable. The client suggests certificates, but the server chooses. That would not explain why it would work if you REMOVED a cipher from the list though. Out of curiosity, do you see any entries in the application logs? /Patrik
  • What is different about the new server certificate? ECDSA vs RSA? It almost sounds like your server is requiring an unsupported cipher suite when using TLS1.2 and can happily negotiate something supported if using a lower protocol. I'd highly recommend doing an SSLDUMP capture on the server side to see what's happening.

    ssldump -AdNn -i [0.0 or internal VLAN name] port 443 [and any other display filters]

    You're looking for when the error is thrown and what was sent immediately prior. For example, if the server sends an alert immediately after the F5's ClientHello, then you can suspect the client didn't present a protocol and cipher suite combination that the server would accept. What then changes when you disable TLS1.2?

  • The Deployment Guide for Exchange 2013 contains the following interesting note:

    SSL ciphers used in the Server SSL profile in 11.4.x are not compatible with those in some versions of Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS).

    This seems to be a bug in only this version.

    And yes I also made a ssldump, but didn't have it available anymore (and can't reproduce it again). But I can remember that after the client hello the server immediately sends a RST (not a FIN). Right now without TLS1.2 it looks like this:

    New TCP connection 1: <->
    1 1  0.0003 (0.0003)  C>SV3.2(107)  Handshake
        Version 3.2 
          22 62 5d 20 0e 4d dd 89 b9 d0 25 d5 c1 fc cb 63 
          62 d8 f7 ac 8f a6 bd ea d8 a0 25 85 70 6d a7 8d 
        resume [32]=
          99 33 00 00 3d 97 b1 db b9 89 e9 b0 25 7f 8e aa 
          51 35 35 d3 08 63 47 2a 04 3e 64 b1 21 d1 4a 81 
        cipher suites
        Unknown value 0xc013
        Unknown value 0xc014
        Unknown value 0xc012
        Unknown value 0xff
        compression methods
    1 2  0.0009 (0.0005)  S>CV3.2(81)  Handshake
        Version 3.2 
          56 0c df 67 99 9e 1b 83 f9 77 e2 27 24 8e 13 c1 
          b0 a2 f1 7b 5b 65 88 fe e1 91 95 64 88 a1 08 c7 
          99 33 00 00 3d 97 b1 db b9 89 e9 b0 25 7f 8e aa 
          51 35 35 d3 08 63 47 2a 04 3e 64 b1 21 d1 4a 81 
        cipherSuite         Unknown value 0xc014
        compressionMethod                   NULL

    If I check the above I also can remember that with TLS 1.2 there was not this "resume [32]=" line included.

    Here is the sniffer output from the failure:

    Ciao Stefan 🙂

  • The resume field just means the client is attempting to resume a previous session, so you're not technically looking at an initial SSL handshake. Also notice that your client is presenting a bunch of elliptic curve ciphers with TLS1.2 that it doesn't for TLS1.1 and below. It's hard to say exactly what the issue is since the server is the one throwing the error, but since it's happening immediately after the clienthello, it's a good bet the server doesn't like some cipher or extension that the client is sending.

    There's a few ways to troubleshoot this. First, here's a really cool Bash script you can point at your server to see what ciphers and protocols it actually supports:

    That may immediately show you the problem. Otherwise you can start testing different protocol and cipher options with the openssl s_client command.

    openssl s_client -connect

    There's a "-cipher" option to this command that allows you to tweak the ciphers that you send, so for example:

    openssl s_client -connect -cipher 'ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA'

    You can then run through all of the ciphers that you saw in the ClientHello of the failed request, or the ciphers listed in the Bash script.