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TNY_122436's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 01, 2016

Cisco Ace ldap probe script to F5 equivalent health probe

Does anyone know how I can convert this script from Cisco Ace to an equivalent F5 script? Thanks in advance.


Code !name = LDAP_PROBE

    Script sends a 'bind request' to ldap server and expect server return 'success' 
    status code in the bind response. Probe success only if server return a bind responde
     with status code 0x0a0100

 ACE version :

       DEBUG    - optional key word 'DEBUG'. default is off

 Example config :
       probe ldapProbe script
           script LDAP_PROBE 

       probe ldapProbe script
           script LDAP_PROBE DEBUG 

 Copyright (c) 2005-2006 by cisco Systems, Inc.

 debug procedure
 set the EXIT_MSG environment varaible to help debug
 also print the debug message when debug flag is on

proc ace_debug { msg } { 
global debug ip port EXIT_MSG

set EXIT_MSG $msg
if { [ info exists ip ] && [ info exists port ] } { 
    set EXIT_MSG "[ info script ]:$ip:$port: $EXIT_MSG "
if { [ info exists debug ] && $debug } { 
    puts $EXIT_MSG


 parse cmd line args and initialize variables
 set debug value
set debug 1
if { [ regsub -nocase "DEBUG" $argv "" argv] } {
set debug 1 

ace_debug "initializing varaible"
set EXIT_MSG "Error config:  script LDAP_PROBE \[DEBUG\]"

set ip "dsq1ldap"
set port "3890"
set ip $scriptprobe_env(realIP) 
set port $scriptprobe_env(realPort) 
 if port is zero the use well known ldap port 389
if { $port == 0 } { 
set port 3890


 open connection 
ace_debug "opening socket"
set sock [ socket $ip $port ]
fconfigure $sock -buffering line -translation binary

 send a standard anonymous bind request
ace_debug "sending ldap bind request"
puts -nonewline $sock [ binary format "H*"      3031020101602c0201030419636e3d6c6f616462616c616e6365722c636e3d636f6e666967800c6c6f616462616c616e636572 ]
flush $sock

  read string back from server
ace_debug "receiving ldap bind result"
set line [read $sock 14]
binary scan $line H* res
binary scan $line @7H6 code
ace_debug "recived $res with code $code"
ace_debug "sending unbind"
puts -nonewline $sock [ binary format "H*" 30050201034200 ]
flush $sock

  close connection
ace_debug "closing socket"
close $sock

  make probe fail by exit with 30002 if ldap reply code != success code  0x0a0100
if {  $code != "0a0100" } { 
ace_debug " probe failed : expect response code \'0a0100\' but received \'$code\'"
exit 30002

 make probe success by exit with 30001
ace_debug "probe success"
exit 30001