Forum Discussion

cdougall_14195's avatar
Jul 12, 2016

Datagroup audit through VIP

Long and short is that we have an external address datagroup that we interrogate from a VIP for auditing.


        host x.x.x.x := "blah",
        network y.y.y.0/20 := "blah blah,",
        host z.z.z.z := "blah blah blah",


        when HTTP_REQUEST {
            switch [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] {
                "/auditurl" {
                    HTTP::respond 200 content "[string map { " " "\n" } [class names penaltybox-dg]]" Cache-Control "no-cache,no-store" Content-Type "text/plain"

This does a good job of dumping out all of the records in the datagroup, but is not an easy thing to filter OUT the host entries. It's a pretty easy to apply a filter to "class name" to include something, but have had a hard time figuring out a way to EXCLUDE something.


Is there a way to filter out all of the host entries, so no more "/32"s in the listing? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks all.


  • try something like

    [string map { " " "\n" } [lsearch -all -inline -not [class name penaltybox-dg] */32]]

5 Replies

  • i was thinking a

    class match
    might help but i don't see how exactly.

    your doing it in one nice line now, but i would split it up in a loop through the datagroup and only add lines to a variable which don't match /32. then use that variable in the


    if you want to stick with one line another string map might work, but that will take some testing or another contributor who can do it by hard.

  • Ian_Smith_39007's avatar
    Historic F5 Account

    try something like

    [string map { " " "\n" } [lsearch -all -inline -not [class name penaltybox-dg] */32]]
    • cdougall_14195's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus

      Thanks Ian, Works great! Only change I made was to add the "-glob"


      [string map { " " "\n" } [lsearch -all -inline -glob -not [class names penaltybox-dg] */32]]


  • try something like

    [string map { " " "\n" } [lsearch -all -inline -not [class name penaltybox-dg] */32]]
    • cdougall_14195's avatar
      Icon for Cirrus rankCirrus

      Thanks Ian, Works great! Only change I made was to add the "-glob"


      [string map { " " "\n" } [lsearch -all -inline -glob -not [class names penaltybox-dg] */32]]