Forum Discussion

smilanko_261688's avatar
Jul 19, 2016

Topology Load balancing for pool members

I am looking at the following guide: GTM Topology


I am attempting to apply a similar concept to pool members, as opposed to global traffic. Here is a photo of my current pool membership, currently, working towards failover.



So my question is, is it possible to apply topology based routing on members of a pool so that a connection is leased out depending on where the client is?


i.e I am in California, and while has a higher priority number, is much closer. F5 will instead get a connection to that server, and process data.


2 Replies

  • I am not 100% sure about the question that you are asking but let me share some information based on experience working with GTM - I know for sure you can do it using iRule. Normally, I would recommend using multiple pools based on the location and then use Topology based LB at the WIP level. Is there a reason for avoiding Topology load balancing at the WIP level ?


  • Create a new pool with the same members for each client ip group. each pool then has specific priority groups. So: ca_pool member1 prio group 20, member2, prio group 10 ny_pool member1 prio group 10, member2, prio group 20


    Then: when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { if {[class match [IP::remote_addr] equals ny_addresses ] } { pool ny_pool } else { pool ca_pool } }