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Kalibre46_28860's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Sep 02, 2016

iRule to redirect a URL but replace only a portion of the variable length URI??



I'll start by saying I'm new to iRules but have been a Networking professional for many years, so please go gently on the code newbie!


There is a redirect irule that I need to create that I will eventually want to also make a call to a data group, however for the purposes of this question I just want to learn some syntax without the data group.


I have a client that is migrating sharepoint data to a newer server and wishes to redirect old user links to the new server. An example of the structure of the original URL is as follows:


and the new URL to be redirect to will be:


There are over 3000 iterations of the "/a/123" portion and they are variable in length so might be "/b/1/" or "/a/1234/". I wish to match the first portion of the URI (? sorry my terminology may be off) and replace it with an equivalent.


The reason I will use a data group eventually is that these 3000 are being migrated one at a time over a period of months so I will add a container URL to the data group each time one is migrated. However the catch is that I must retain the last part of the path, so "/documents/doc1.doc" in the example above.


I'm not sure how I can match and swap out a portion of the variable length URI whilst retaining the last part!?!?


Any ideas?




2 Replies

  • R_Marc's avatar
    Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus

    regsub would be one way to do that.

    regsub -nocase -all {^/[a-z1-9]+/[a-z1-9]+/documents} [HTTP::uri] "/new/documents" uri

    Then just set HTTP::uri to $uri.

    That regsub would capture the scenarios you listed.

  • Hi, I don't know if I clearly understood, so I would try another way:

    1) Single string pattern for documents path (no regsub)

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        if { [string tolower [getfield [HTTP::host] ":" 1]] equals "" } {
            if { [string match -nocase "/*/*/documents/*" [HTTP::path]] } {
                set uri [string range [HTTP::uri] [string first /documents [string tolower [HTTP::uri]]] end]
                HTTP::respond 301 noserver Location "${uri}"
                unset uri

    2) data group rewrite (I'd recommend for large list):

    ltm data-group internal dg_redirect_shpt_paths {
        records {
            /a/1234/ {
                data /new/
            /b/1/ {
                data /new2/
        type string
    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        if { [string tolower [getfield [HTTP::host] ":" 1]] equals "" } {
            set p [URI::path [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] 1 2]
            set m [class match -value $p equals dg_redirect_shpt_paths]
            if { $m ne "" } {
                HTTP::respond 301 noserver Location "[string map -nocase "$p $m" [HTTP::uri]]"
            unset -nocomplain p m

    3) rewrite with array list:

         I don't like using statics variables, so here it is and not in RULE_INIT
        array set redirect_shpt_paths {
            /a/1234/    /new/
            /b/1/       /new2/
    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        if { [string tolower [getfield [HTTP::host] ":" 1]] equals "" } {
            set p [URI::path [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] 1 2]
            foreach m [array names redirect_shpt_paths] {
                if { $m eq $p } {
                    set uri [string map -nocase "$p $redirect_shpt_paths($m)" [HTTP::uri]]
                    HTTP::respond 301 noserver Location "$uri"
            unset -nocomplain p m uri
    when CLIENT_CLOSED {
        unset -nocomplain redirect_shpt_paths

    If I'm wrong, I apologize,
