Forum Discussion

bmohanak_276891's avatar
Sep 22, 2016

rate limit based on source IP

Dear Folks,


I need to find out how to do some "rate limit" based on Source IP address for an LDAP VIP, the issue here in stake is that, sometimes the same Source IP opens up multiple connections to the LDAP VIP which is causing high CPU on one or more of the Pool Members.


At any given time, the number of connections from the same source should not exceed this limit


My Questions are 1. Is there a way to track the Connections based on Source IP for a Period of one week? 2. How can I implement this concept of rate limit based on Source IP?


Thanks for the Help Balaji


1 Reply

  • Hi Bmohanak,

    The build-in rate and connection limit capabilities, are either per Virtual Server or per Pool Member. So you have to write and deploy an iRule to enforce a connection limits per ClientIP.

    You may use the iRule below as a staring point. It will create a

    based counter for each individual Client_IP and create a periodic
    message if a client has been reached its counter. Once you've figured out your desired connection limits, you could enforce the limits by setting the
    variable to

    when RULE_INIT {
        set static::connection_limit_value 10
        set static::connection_limit_timeout 86400
        set static::connection_limit_logging_interval 60
        set static::connection_limit_enforment 0
         To remove any existing table entries uncomment the line below...
         table delete -subtable "Conn_[IP::client_addr]" -all
        if { [set conn_count [table keys -subtable "Conn_[IP::client_addr]" -count]] >= $static::connection_limit_value } then {
            if { [table lookup -notouch "ConnLog_[IP::client_addr]"] eq "" } then {
                log local0.debug "Client: [IP::client_addr] has reached the connection limit of $conn_count"
                table set "ConnLog_[IP::client_addr]" 1 indef $static::connection_limit_logging_interval
            if { $static::connection_limit_enforment } then {
                event disable all
        table set -subtable "Conn_[IP::client_addr]" [set conn_id [clock clicks]] 1 indef $static::connection_limit_timeout    
    when CLIENT_CLOSED {
        table delete -subtable "Conn_[IP::client_addr]" $conn_id

    Cheers, Kai