Forum Discussion

8 Replies

  • Can you expand on the question ?


    I'm not quite sure I understand the requirements...


  • Example: 1 have 3 VSs:


    • VS_A has IP
    • VS_B has IP
    • VS_C has IP and iRule RL_C

    When Client access to VS_C, iRule will run and redirect Client to VS_A or VS_B. But I don't want to put IP address of VS_A and VS_B. I want to put VS name and iRule will get the IP address.




  • Do you want a redirect ? or do you want to use VS_A based upon a certain condition?


    What's your current iRule ?


    Why connect to VS_C in the first place ? :)


  • Thank Iain. I didn't have iRule now. I just want to know how to get the VS IP if I have the VS name.




  • Hi Phong,


    there is no build-in command available to resolve a given Virtual Server name to its IP address. But you could write an iCall script to periodically enumerate your LTM configuration and create/update an internal data-group with Key=VSName and Value=VSIP.


    Note: I've published an iCall script on CodeShare that created a data-group to resolve Node_IPs to Node_Names. The code can be very easily recycled to resolve VS_Name to VS_IP. Let me know if you have troubles to modify the iCall script as needed...



    Cheers, Kai


  • I don't beleive you can dynamically query the configuration of another virtual server outside of the one the iRule is currently attached to.


    If your goal is to redirect the user to a different virtual, you can route control to a different virtual with the "virtual [name]" command.




  • Hi Phong,

    below are the required steps to setup the iCall handler to create and periodically update a data-group containing your Virtual Server Name and their corresponding IPs...

    1.) SSH to your LTM and enter TMSH

    2.) Issue the command: load sys config merge from-terminal

    3.) Copy and Paste the code below...

    Note: You may want to tweak the interval of the iCall handler as needed...


    sys icall script DataGroup_Virtual_to_IP {
        app-service none
        definition {
            set virtual_list ""
            set virtual_counter 0
             tmsh::log "iCall: Starting to enumerate existing node objects..."
            foreach partition [tmsh::get_config auth partition] {
                set partition "/[tmsh::get_name $partition]"
                 tmsh::log "iCall: Processing Partition: $partition"
                tmsh::cd $partition
                foreach virtual [tmsh::get_config /ltm virtual] {
                     tmsh::log "Processing Node : $partition/[tmsh::get_name $virtual]"
                    set destination [lindex [split [tmsh::get_field_value $virtual "destination"] ":"] 0]
                    set destination [lindex [split $destination "%"] 0]
                    append virtual_list "\"[tmsh::get_name $virtual]\" \{ data \"$destination\" \}\n"
                    incr virtual_counter   
                 tmsh::log "Finished Partition: $partition"
            tmsh::cd "/Common"
            if { not ([tmsh::list /ltm data-group] contains "ltm data-group internal DG_VS_2_IP") } then {
                tmsh::log "iCall: Created the data-group \"DG_VS_2_IP\"."
                tmsh::create /ltm data-group internal "DG_VS_2_IP" type "string"
            } else {
                 tmsh::log "iCall: The DataGroup does exist."
            eval "tmsh::modify /ltm data-group internal DG_VS_2_IP \{ records replace-all-with \{ $virtual_list \} \}"
            tmsh::log "iCall: Updated the data-group DG_VS_2_IP with \"$virtual_counter\" entries."
        description none
        events none
    sys icall handler periodic DataGroup_Virtual_to_IP {
        first-occurrence 2016-09-27:00:00:00
        interval 60
        script DataGroup_Virtual_to_IP


    4.) Hit CTRL+D to apply the config merge.

    5.) After a short period, take a look to your LTM logfile and see the resulting log output.

    6.) Verify that the data-group "DG_VS_2_IP" is successfully created.

    7.) Write an iRule and see if it works...


    when RULE_INIT {
        log local0.debug "IP Address of Virtual Server \"VS_A\" is \"[class match -value "VS_A" equals DG_VS_2_IP]\""


    8.) Verify once again the log output.

    Cheers, Kai