Forum Discussion

sandiksk_35282's avatar
Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus
Oct 17, 2016

Irule not working as expected

I created an irule when CLIENT_ACCEPTED { set default_pool [LB::server pool] }


when HTTP_REQUEST { switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] { "/customerdetails" - "/webofferlist" - "/membershipedit *" { pool poolB } default { pool $default_pool } } }


Any traffic with http header with the above string it need to go to pool B , if not the default pool . But all the traffic is just going to the default pool , please help me to get this irule working as expectected.


We are doing ssl offload on f5 and again re-encrypting the data from f5 to the backend servers.


  • No need for any string command. If you don't want to normalize the case, then:


    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        switch -glob [HTTP::uri] {
            ... etc ... 


    However, again, you probably want to use HTTP::path, since that's what you're actually matching on. For the case your provide, it would be something like this:


    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        switch -glob [HTTP::path] {
            "*/MembershipEdit" {
                pool poolB


    For the example URL you provided, what you're trying to match is essentially "if the Target-Request path ends_with /MembershipEdit, then use poolB". With glob matching:


        switch [HTTP::path] {
            "/foo" {...}    ; means match if path is exactly /foo
            "*/foo" {...}   ; means match if path ends with /foo
            "/foo/*" {...}  ; means match if path starts with /foo/
            "*/foo/*" {...} ; means match if path contains /foo/


    For what it's worth, I suspect that what you really mean is:


    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        switch -glob [HTTP::path] {
            "*/CustomerDetails" -
            "*/WebofferList" -
            "*/MembershipEdit" {
                pool poolB


    What I mean is, I suspect in all cases you are trying to match something at the end of the path, and since you are not normalizing the case (and generally, not normalizing the case of the path is the correct choice), then you must make sure the case matches.

9 Replies

  • Are you sure the HTTP::uri is matching? Put in a log command to verify.

    inside the HTTP_REQUEST trigger, and above the "switch"


    log local0. "The URI is [HTTP::uri]"


  • Read this one especially the An example of the "contains" functionality where it selects a pool depending on of the URI and then if no prior match go to the default pool.

    So if looking at your irule

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
      switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::uri]] {
        "/customerdetails" -
        "/webofferlist" - 
        "membershipedit/" {
          If URI contains any of the above pool poolB 
        default {
          No prior match so take some default action
          pool name_of_your_default_pool
      Uncomment below if you want to log and see which URI goes to what pool for troubleshooting 
      log local0. "URI: [HTTP::uri] Pool: [LB::server pool]"
  • A few other nuances. Firstly, you may wish to use HTTP::path, rather than HTTP::uri. The latter includes Request Parameters (i.e., the stuff starting with the ampersand (&) is a Request Target). If your glob match always ends with an asterisk (*) or you really do want to consider the Request Parameters as part of your match, then HTTP::uri is fine (or, in the latter case, required), but otherwise, HTTP::path is more correct (and, as a bonus, potentially shorter for the string comparison operation).

    Secondly, unless you have a case-insensitive filesystem or are mangling the Request Target path (e.g., via Apache mod-rewrite) in a way that treats paths in a case-insensitive matter, you do not need to use string tolower (and you're spending execution cycles without value).

    See this recipe for an explanation of these two points:

    Finally, you do not need (and should not include) the default on the switch. You have already assigned the default pool to the Virtual Server. If the iRule doesn't change the pool selected, then that is the pool that will be used. Again, if you include this default branch, it is costing you execution cycles without value (and may be disruptive if you later change the code or the default pool attached to the Virtual Server).

  • how would my irule be if need to remove this line HTTP_REQUEST { switch -glob [string tolower [HTTP::uri]]


    does it need to be HTTP_REQUEST { switch -glob [string [HTTP::uri]]. I see the traffic hiiting the irule ,but when i see in show sys connection dont see anything for pool b member all the traffic is going to the default pool members.


  • No need for any string command. If you don't want to normalize the case, then:


    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        switch -glob [HTTP::uri] {
            ... etc ... 


    However, again, you probably want to use HTTP::path, since that's what you're actually matching on. For the case your provide, it would be something like this:


    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        switch -glob [HTTP::path] {
            "*/MembershipEdit" {
                pool poolB


    For the example URL you provided, what you're trying to match is essentially "if the Target-Request path ends_with /MembershipEdit, then use poolB". With glob matching:


        switch [HTTP::path] {
            "/foo" {...}    ; means match if path is exactly /foo
            "*/foo" {...}   ; means match if path ends with /foo
            "/foo/*" {...}  ; means match if path starts with /foo/
            "*/foo/*" {...} ; means match if path contains /foo/


    For what it's worth, I suspect that what you really mean is:


    when HTTP_REQUEST {
        switch -glob [HTTP::path] {
            "*/CustomerDetails" -
            "*/WebofferList" -
            "*/MembershipEdit" {
                pool poolB


    What I mean is, I suspect in all cases you are trying to match something at the end of the path, and since you are not normalizing the case (and generally, not normalizing the case of the path is the correct choice), then you must make sure the case matches.

    • sandiksk_35282's avatar
      Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus

      Thanks for your response . Tried the above syntax and it is working.