Forum Discussion

Samyool_301498's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 08, 2017

Is it possible to use an iRule to read from and return the F5's log files?

I am currently in the process of creating an iRule which returns a debug page for our virtual servers. When a user connects to the iRule returns a custom page with various statistics about the connection. For example, I'm getting the client IP address using the IP::local_addr command.


Along with these statistics, I am wanting to include a snippet of the logs from the F5. In particular, I am interested in the LTM logs and ASM logs. Is this possible to read these logs using iRules?


2 Replies

  • Hi Samyool,

    you can't read locally stored file streams using iRules. The required TCL commands to open and read such are disabled by the developers.

    The only chance I see for you, is to open a [SIDEBAND] connection to the REST-API, execute a tail /var/log/ltm command via the /mgmt/tm/util/bash endpoint, parse the REST response and finally display the output on your debugging page.

    API Request:


    POST /mgmt/tm/util/bash HTTP/1.1
    Content-Type: application/json
    Authorization: Basic YourBase64Creds
    content-length: 56
    Connection: close
    {"command":"run","utilCmdArgs":"-c 'tail -n 50 /var/log/ltm'"}


    Note: Let me know if you need further assitence to implement such a [SIDEBAND] connection to query REST within iRules.

    Cheers, Kai


  • Hi Samyool,

    I've recycled some older code for you to get a PoC up and running within a few minutes. Here we go...

    Configure a Layer4 VS:80 that points to the MGMT-ETH:443 of your F5

    1.) Execute the following command on TMSH


    load sys config merge from-terminal


    2.) Paste the following config into TMSH


    ltm pool Pool_F5-MGMT-ETH {
        members {
            Node_F5-MGMT-ETH:https {
                address x.x.x.x%1
                session monitor-enabled
                state up
        monitor gateway_icmp 
    ltm virtual VS_F5-MGMT-ETH {
        ip-protocol tcp
        pool Pool_F5-MGMT-ETH
        profiles {
            serverssl {
                context serverside
            tcp { }
        source-address-translation {
            type automap
        translate-address enabled
        translate-port enabled


    Note: You have to change the node IP address to match the MGMT-IP of your LTM. The IP of the Virtual Server can be keept, since its just used for internal communication.

    3.) Hit CRTL+D to save the config change

    Write a TCL procedure to trigger a SIDEBAND connection towards your Layer4 VS:80 (aka. your REST-API) to execute [tail] and finally download X lines of logfile Y.

    1.) Add the following procedure to your existing iRule


    proc get_logfiles { virtual basic_creds logfile lines } {
        set tcp_conn [connect -timeout 2000 -idle 2000 -status tcp_conn_status $virtual]
        if { $tcp_conn_status equals "connected" } then {
            set http_request_body "\{\"command\":\"run\",\"utilCmdArgs\":\"-c 'tail -n $lines $logfile'\"\}"
            set http_request "POST /mgmt/tm/util/bash HTTP/1.0\r\nAuthorization: Basic $basic_creds\r\nContent-Length: [string length $http_request_body]\r\n\r\n$http_request_body"
            send -timeout 2000 -status tcp_sent_status $tcp_conn $http_request
            if { $tcp_sent_status equals "sent" } then {
                set http_response [recv -timeout 5000 $tcp_conn]
                if { $http_response starts_with "HTTP/1.1 200" } then {
                    return [getfield $http_response {commandResult":"} 2]
                } elseif { $http_response equals "" } then {
                    return "Error: Receive Timeout"
                } else {
                    return "Error: API Response = $http_response"
            } else {
                return "Error: Send Status = $tcp_sent_status"
        } else {
            return "Error: Connection Status = $tcp_conn_status"


    Call the TCL procedure within your iRule


    set log_lines [call YOUR_IRULE_NAME::get_logfiles "VS_F5-MGMT-ETH" [b64encode "admin:password"] "/var/log/ltm" 50]


    Cheers, Kai