Forum Discussion

mreco_159588's avatar
Jun 26, 2017

Debug Client Errors

I have recently deployed load balanced TFS behind our F5.


All seems to work just fine, but under statistics of this VS, I see a lot of client errors under 'responses'.



Can someone point me in a direction on how to debug these client errors?


Just some numbers:



Successfull responses: 60M


Client errors: 20M


Server errors: 8K



  • I have got an answer from F5 support.


    These "Client-Errors" refer to the HTTP response with 4xx status code (e.g. "404 Not Found").


1 Reply

  • I have got an answer from F5 support.


    These "Client-Errors" refer to the HTTP response with 4xx status code (e.g. "404 Not Found").