Forum Discussion

2 Replies

  • Hello Tyranon,

    whether you put a "/" or not in your request, it's exactly the same URI for F5:

    You can try the following Irule and test both request, you will notice that in both case (request) you will see / in your logs:

    when HTTP_REQUEST {
      log local0. "This is the HTTP URI [HTTP::uri]"

    So for me you can't redirect user for the use case that you have described. because in the 2 cases F5 will see a "/" whether you put it or not in your requests.

    why do not you do it on other criteria? There is an imperative?


  • Youssef is right, when requesting, the http request is

    GET / HTTP/1.1

    You can find this in http rfc

    If the port is empty or not given, port 80 is assumed. The semantics are that the identified resource is located at the server listening for TCP connections on that port of that host, and the Request-URI for the resource is abs_path. If the abs_path is not present in the URL, it must be given as "/" when used as a Request-URI (Section 5.1.2).