Forum Discussion

mquintanilha_35's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 18, 2018

Error with module bigip_facts

Hi folks,


I'm trying to use the bigip_facts module in my playbook, which will collect information from the F5s I have in my environment.


Look at the error while playing the playbook:


FAILED! => { "failed": true, "msg": "Could not find imported module support code for bigip_facts. Looked for either *.py or ;


Tks and regards!


1 Reply

  • Libraries version:
    bigsuds (1.0.5);
    ansible (;
    f5-icontrol-rest (1.3.0);
    f5-sdk (3.0.2);
    python version = 3.5.1
     tasks file for roles/bigip-collectFacts
    - name: Collect BIG-IP Fact
        server: "{{ inventory_hostname }}"
        user: "{{ f5_user }}"
        password: "{{ f5_pass }}"
        include: "system_info"
        validate_certs: "false"
      delegate_to: localhost
    - hosts: bigip
      remote_user: "{{ f5_user }}"
      connection: local
      gather_facts: false
      - role: bigip-collectFacts