Forum Discussion

brett_01_135751's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 04, 2018

f5 and ansible

I am fairly new to ansible and only reasonably proficient with f5s (day job is mainly DNS) so please forgive me if this question looks a little basic.


I'm trying to manipulate route domains with Ansible, i looked at the example in the documentation which says:


  • name: Create a route domain bigip_routedomain: name: foo id: 1234 password: secret server: state: present user: admin delegate_to: localhost

This is obviously incomplete as there is no "hosts" section so I modified to the best of my knowledge and came up with:


  • hosts: bigip tasks:
    • name: Create a route domain bigip_routedomain: id: "1234" password: "my password" server: "bigip" state: "present" user: "brettcarr" delegate_to: localhost

2 Replies

  • Apologies had to split my question into two to avoid devcentral thinking it was spam, here is the second half...


    I run this with the following command and get the following error, where am I going wrong, help really appreciated:


    ansible-playbook -i ansiblehosts f5r.yaml -k SSH password:


    PLAY [bigip] ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************


    TASK [Gathering Facts] ****************************************************************************************************************************************************** fatal: [bigip]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "module_stderr": "", "module_stdout": " File \"/tmp/ansible_XRSckC/\", line 7\r\n from future import absolute_import, division, print_function\r\nSyntaxError: future feature absolute_import is not defined\r\n", "msg": "MODULE FAILURE", "rc": 0}


  • First looks like you have an issue gathering facts, worth setting this to


    Then I would setup and use a variable as the

    make it much easier to read your tasks without the same repeated elements all the time.

    I have not testing the following

    ansible playbook
    file but I think it should do want you need.

    - name: Add Route Domain ID 1234
      hosts: bigip
      connection: local
      gather_facts: False
          server: "{{inventory_hostname}}"
          server_port: 443
          user: "brettcarr"
          password: "my password"
          validate_certs: no
          transport: rest
        - name: Create a route domain 
            provider: "{{f5Provider}}"
            id: "1234"
            state: "present"
          delegate_to: localhost

    Make sure you have ansible version 2.2 or above and the python F5 SDK (

    ) installed.