Forum Discussion

Ricardo_Raza_14's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Feb 18, 2019

Configure load balance for web application and mobile application

Hi I have a client that have in the same server and in the same port working web application and mobile application and using the same certificate


backend web server: 172.x.x.10: 443 mobile application: 172.x.x.10: 443 vs: 10.x.x.10


When use tcp_lan_optimized in tcp client profile all work fine for web application but mobile application not work, if I change the profile for tcp_mobile_optimized the mobile application work fine but the web application not work.


Which considerations I need to have, or which changes I need to do to solve the problem




8 Replies

  • You are using same virtual server for both web and mobile applications? Is this possible to create seperate services (diferrent port) on backend servers for mobile and web applications.


  • You are using same virtual server for both web and mobile applications? Is this possible to create seperate services (diferrent port) on backend servers for mobile and web applications.


  • Hi, the client said that is not possible tho change anything in their configuration.

    The configuration of vs is

    ltm virtual /Common/vs_prod_xxx {
    destination /Common/10.x.x.10:443
    ip-protocol tcp
    pool /Common/pool_xxxx_produccion
    profiles {
        /Common/cliente_ssl_xxx_prod {
            context clientside
        /Common/http_xxx { }
        /Common/server_ssl_xxx_prod {
            context serverside
        /Common/tcp-lan-optimized-xxx { }
    source-address-translation {
        type automap
    translate-address enabled
    translate-port enabled


    ________________________________________________________________________________ Pools ________________________________________________________________________________
    ltm pool /Common/pool_xxx_produccion {
    members {
        /Common/nodo_xxx_prod10:0 {
            address 172.x.x.10
        /Common/nodo_xxx_prod11:0 {
            address 172.x.x.11
        /Common/nodo_xxx_prod12:0 {
            address 172.x.x.12
        /Common/nodo_xxx_prod5:0 {
            address 172.x.x.5
        /Common/nodo_x.x_prod6:0 {
            address 172.x.x.6
        /Common/nodo_xxx_prod7:0 {
            address 172.x.x.7
        /Common/nodo_xxx_prod8:0 {
            address 172.x.x.8
        /Common/nodo_xxx_prod9:0 {
            address 172.x.x.9
    monitor /Common/gateway_icmp 


    ________________________________________________________________________________ Profiles ________________________________________________________________________________
    ltm profile client-ssl /Common/cliente_ssl_xxx_prod {
    alert-timeout indefinite
    allow-dynamic-record-sizing disabled
    allow-non-ssl disabled
    app-service none
    cache-size 262144
    cache-timeout 3600
    cert /Common/xxx_prod.crt
    cert-key-chain {
        xxx_prod {
            cert /Common/xxx_prod.crt
            key /Common/xxx_prod.key
    chain none
    cipher-group none
    ciphers DEFAULT
    defaults-from /Common/clientssl
    generic-alert enabled
    handshake-timeout 10
    inherit-certkeychain false
    key /Common/xxx_prod.key
    max-active-handshakes indefinite
    max-aggregate-renegotiation-per-minute indefinite
    max-renegotiations-per-minute 5
    maximum-record-size 16384
    mod-ssl-methods disabled
    mode enabled
    notify-cert-status-to-virtual-server disabled
    ocsp-stapling disabled
    options { dont-insert-empty-fragments }
    passphrase none
    peer-no-renegotiate-timeout 10
    proxy-ssl disabled
    proxy-ssl-passthrough disabled
    renegotiate-max-record-delay indefinite
    renegotiate-period indefinite
    renegotiate-size indefinite
    renegotiation enabled
    secure-renegotiation require
    server-name none
    session-mirroring disabled
    session-ticket disabled
    session-ticket-timeout 0
    sni-default false
    sni-require false
    ssl-sign-hash any
    strict-resume disabled
    unclean-shutdown enabled


    ltm profile http /Common/http_xxx {
    accept-xff disabled
    app-service none
    basic-auth-realm none
    defaults-from /Common/http
    encrypt-cookies none
    enforcement {
        max-header-count 128
        max-header-size 327680
        max-requests 0
    header-erase none
    header-insert none
    insert-xforwarded-for disabled
    lws-separator none
    lws-width 80
    oneconnect-transformations enabled
    proxy-type reverse
    redirect-rewrite none
    request-chunking preserve
    response-chunking selective
    response-headers-permitted none
    server-agent-name BigIP
    sflow {
        poll-interval-global no
        sampling-rate-global no
    via-request preserve
    via-response preserve
    xff-alternative-names none


    ltm profile server-ssl /Common/server_ssl_xxx_prod {
    alert-timeout indefinite
    app-service none
    bypass-on-client-cert-fail disabled
    bypass-on-handshake-alert disabled
    cache-size 262144
    cache-timeout 3600
    cert /Common/xxx_prod.crt
    chain none
    cipher-group none
    ciphers DEFAULT
    defaults-from /Common/serverssl
    generic-alert enabled
    handshake-timeout 10
    key /Common/xxx_prod.key
    max-active-handshakes indefinite
    mod-ssl-methods disabled
    mode enabled
    options { dont-insert-empty-fragments }
    proxy-ssl disabled
    proxy-ssl-passthrough disabled
    renegotiate-period indefinite
    renegotiate-size indefinite
    renegotiation enabled
    secure-renegotiation require-strict
    server-name none
    session-mirroring disabled
    session-ticket disabled
    sni-default false
    sni-require false
    ssl-forward-proxy disabled
    ssl-forward-proxy-bypass disabled
    ssl-sign-hash any
    strict-resume disabled
    unclean-shutdown enabled


    ltm profile tcp /Common/tcp-lan-optimized-xxx {
    app-service none
    close-wait-timeout 30
    defaults-from /Common/tcp-lan-optimized
    fin-wait-2-timeout 300
    fin-wait-timeout 30
    idle-timeout 300
    keep-alive-interval 1800
    minimum-rto 1000
    reset-on-timeout disabled
    time-wait-recycle enabled
    time-wait-timeout 5000
    zero-window-timeout 50000


    • RaghavendraSY's avatar
      Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus

      both applications are working fine with default tcp profile?


    • RaghavendraSY's avatar
      Icon for Altostratus rankAltostratus

      Can you please provide working packet capture and non working packet captures.Mean time you can open a ticket with F5 vendor too.