Forum Discussion

Allwyn_Mascaren's avatar
Apr 09, 2019

F5 Auto Backup iApp Error 550 Filename Invalid on FTP

Trying the codeshare iApp here :

All works well but then dies at the end with the ftp stor command.

Tried some stuff with adding / etc to the path on filezilla but still nothing.

(000010)4/9/2019 15:36:11 PM - (not logged in) (> 215 UNIX emulated by FileZilla
(000010)4/9/2019 15:36:11 PM - (not logged in) (> USER labftp
(000010)4/9/2019 15:36:11 PM - (not logged in) (> 331 Password required for labftp
(000010)4/9/2019 15:36:11 PM - (not logged in) (> PASS **********
(000010)4/9/2019 15:36:11 PM - labftp (> 230 Logged on
(000010)4/9/2019 15:36:11 PM - labftp (> TYPE I
(000010)4/9/2019 15:36:11 PM - labftp (> 200 Type set to I
(000010)4/9/2019 15:36:11 PM - labftp (> PASV
(000010)4/9/2019 15:36:11 PM - labftp (> 227 Entering Passive Mode (10,1,62,201,219,75)
(000010)4/9/2019 15:36:11 PM - labftp (> STOR /ftpsrv/20190409_bigip2.akmlab.local.ucs
(000010)4/9/2019 15:36:11 PM - labftp (> 550 Filename invalid
(000010)4/9/2019 15:36:11 PM - labftp (> QUIT
(000010)4/9/2019 15:36:11 PM - labftp (> 221 Goodbye
(000010)4/9/2019 15:36:11 PM - labftp (> disconnected.
(000011)4/9/2019 15:36:27 PM - (not logged in) (> Connected on port 21, sending welcome message...
(000011)4/9/2019 15:36:27 PM - (not logged in) (> 220-FileZilla Server 0.9.60 beta
(000011)4/9/2019 15:36:27 PM - (not logged in) (> 220-written by Tim Kosse (
(000011)4/9/2019 15:36:27 PM - (not logged in) (> 220 Please visit
(000011)4/9/2019 15:36:27 PM - (not logged in) (> SYST
(000011)4/9/2019 15:36:27 PM - (not logged in) (> 215 UNIX emulated by FileZilla
(000011)4/9/2019 15:36:27 PM - (not logged in) (> USER labftp
(000011)4/9/2019 15:36:27 PM - (not logged in) (> 331 Password required for labftp
(000011)4/9/2019 15:36:27 PM - (not logged in) (> PASS **********
(000011)4/9/2019 15:36:27 PM - labftp (> 230 Logged on
(000011)4/9/2019 15:36:27 PM - labftp (> TYPE I
(000011)4/9/2019 15:36:27 PM - labftp (> 200 Type set to I
(000011)4/9/2019 15:36:27 PM - labftp (> PASV
(000011)4/9/2019 15:36:27 PM - labftp (> 227 Entering Passive Mode (10,1,62,201,244,80)
(000011)4/9/2019 15:36:27 PM - labftp (> STOR /ftpsrv/20190409_bigip1.akmlab.local.ucs
(000011)4/9/2019 15:36:27 PM - labftp (> 550 Filename invalid
(000011)4/9/2019 15:36:27 PM - labftp (> QUIT
(000011)4/9/2019 15:36:27 PM - labftp (> 221 Goodbye
(000011)4/9/2019 15:36:27 PM - labftp (> disconnected.
  • This is a twisted sneaky little thing slipped in by the devil himself.

    What is wants you to do is, keep the folder created but call the root of the folder and not the full path.

    So create folder

    in let's say C drive but in filezilla only mention
    . And it will send the filename with the

    See here:

2 Replies

  • Hi,


    your problem is the path (The filename is the problem), let me explain.


    The root directory is / The client must not send physical paths to the server...


    so your filename will be "20190409_bigip2.akmlab.local.ucs" and not "/ftpsrv/20190409_bigip2.akmlab.local.ucs".


    let me know if you need more details...




  • This is a twisted sneaky little thing slipped in by the devil himself.

    What is wants you to do is, keep the folder created but call the root of the folder and not the full path.

    So create folder

    in let's say C drive but in filezilla only mention
    . And it will send the filename with the

    See here: