Forum Discussion

Laurent_P_'s avatar
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Aug 06, 2007

Performance impact of HTTP::respond




We have a customer requesting ability to limite the rate of HTTP request. The iRule which has been developed answers with HTTP::respond 501 when the maximum rate is reached.


Testing under load produce a huge performance loss.


Did anybody observed the same ?


Any alternative for this iRule command ?



Thanks a lot for any help.



7 Replies

  • Hi Laurent,



    Could you post the rule? What kind of connection rates are you seeing the rule response quickly for? What number of client/connection counts is the rule tracking? At what connection level does the rule start to introduce latency? Is TMM CPU usage climbing high?





  • Here it is :


    when RULE_INIT {


    set ::maxRate 100 ;nombre de requetes HTTP max par utilisateur


    set ::windowSecs 10 ;fenetre de limitation de requetes


    init array if non-existent


    array set ::postHistory { }


    wipe array if already existent


    array unset ::postHistory




    when HTTP_REQUEST {


    if { [HTTP::method] eq "GET" } {


    if {[HTTP::cookie exists JSESSIONID]} {


    Extraction du critere de niveau 7 - en l occurence le cookie JSESSIONID


    set myUserID [HTTP::cookie "JSESSIONID"]


    log local0. "premiere requete du user $myUserID"


    Initialisation du nombre de requetes pour l utilisateur


    set myMaxRate ""


    utilisation du max rate defini plus haut


    if { $myMaxRate eq "" }{


    set myMaxRate $::maxRate


    log local0. "max rate set to $::maxRate"






    else {


    set myUserID "no_user_id"


    log local0. "premiere requete du user $myUserID"


    Initialisation du nombre de requetes pour l utilisateur


    set myMaxRate ""


    utilisation du max rate defini plus haut


    if { $myMaxRate eq "" }{


    set myMaxRate $::maxRate


    log local0. "max rate set to $::maxRate"






    set currentTime [clock seconds]


    calcul de la fenetre de temps


    set windowStart [expr {$currentTime - $::windowSecs}]


    log local0. "cutoff time set"


    incremente le nombre de requete pour cet utilisateur


    set postCount 1


    foreach { requestID requestTime } [array get ::postHistory ${myUserID}*] {


    compte les requetes dont le start time > $windowStart, supprime le reste


    if { $requestTime > $windowStart } {


    incr postCount 1


    log local0. "User $myUserID - incremente - Current rate: $postCount - Max rate: $myMaxRate"


    } else {


    unset ::postHistory($requestID)


    log local0. "User $myUserID - decremente - Current rate: $postCount - Max rate: $myMaxRate"






    if { $postCount < $myMaxRate } {


    autorise les requetes et ajoute une entr?e au tableauy w/myUserID.rand + currentTime


    set requestID "${myUserID}.[expr { int(10000000 * rand()) }]"


    set ::postHistory($requestID) $currentTime


    } else {


    Rejete la requete en envoyant un 501 server error


    log local0. "Service Unavailable - User $myUserID - Current rate: $postCount - Max rate: $myMaxRate"


    HTTP::respond 501








  • This is iRule intend to allow a sliding windows of 10 second wthin wich a user or a robot can issue a max of 100 request per second.


    This is done to prevent server resources from being blown away by 'non-human' rate of requests.
  • What version of code are you running? There is a performance issue with the clock command prior to 9.2.
  • Nina_Forsyth_67's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    The issue with the iRule is this line:



    set requestID "${myUserID}.[expr { int(10000000 * rand()) }]"



    I am not sure if anyone has a better way to do it but the math is pretty costly to CPU time.
  • The rand() function was used to uniquely identify each user request.



    The clock() command is used to have a kind of sliding window of time in order to determine the 'human behaviour'.



    Any alternatives to these commands ?