Forum Discussion

Stephan_Mierau's avatar
Sep 25, 2015

access URL filter from irule



hope anybody could help. I seek for a possibility to access a URL filter from within an iRule. My customer has a SWG with IPI and URL database subscritions. The IPI database could easyly reached via the IP::reputation command. I seek now an option to reference the URL filters for a bandwidth controller.


My existing iRule:


when HTTP_REQUEST { if { ([class match [string tolower [HTTP::host]] equals bwc_sites]) } { set mysession "[IP::remote_addr]:[TCP::remote_port]" BWC::policy attach bwc_streaming_media $mysession log local0. "Bandwidth Policy attached Session ID: $mysession" log local0. [IP::client_addr] log local0. [HTTP::host] } }


I will now replace the data group list bwc_sites by a URL filter or categorie from the SWG.