Forum Discussion

2 Replies

  • Does JBOSS present any type of URL that could be monitored with an HTTP monitor?


    Another idea is if JBOSS opens some sort of TCP port when its running, you could use a TCP or TCP half-open monitor for that.


    I'm not familiar with JBOSS but if it runs on Windows servers, you may be able to use the WMI monitor. If its on *nix, you could try the SNMP monitor (maybe) but thats a wild guess as I've used neither in the past.


  • Thanks for the reply.


    JBOSS is some sort of Web server. I am trying to get one of the applications engineers to give me some info.


    We currently use the TCP-HALF-OPEN monitor as a default. TCP monitoring does not work because JBOSS can go down and the server still responds on that port. This has occurred several times now and is why I am looking at other methods for monitoring.


    I will look into the WMI and SNMP monitors.