Forum Discussion

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May 20, 2013

cookie encryption iRule not working in v11

We have the following iRule in use in our v10 systems for cookie encryption and it is working fine:




priority 400




set static::passphrase "abcd1234"




when RULE_INIT {


set static::encryption_debug 2


if {[info exists static::global_encrypt_key_v1] and [string length $static::global_encrypt_key_v1]}{


if {$static::encryption_debug > 1}{log local0. "Using existing key: $static::global_encrypt_key_v1"}


} else {


set static::global_encrypt_key_v1 [AES::key 128]


if {$static::encryption_debug > 1}{log local0. "Created new encryption key: $static::global_encrypt_key_v1"}








foreach a_cookie [HTTP::cookie names] {


if {$a_cookie starts_with "BIGipServer" and $a_cookie ne "BIGipServerapache_indexes_pool"}{


HTTP::cookie encrypt $a_cookie $static::passphrase


persist cookie insert $a_cookie










foreach a_cookie [HTTP::cookie names] {


if {$a_cookie starts_with "BIGipServer" and $a_cookie ne "BIGipServerapache_indexes_pool"}{


HTTP::cookie decrypt $a_cookie $static::passphrase










However, when upgrading to v11, the LTM was sending resets back to the server after every HTTP response, getting the following error message:



TCL error: /Common/cookie_encryption_rule - Operation not allowed. (line 1) (line 1) invoked from within "persist cookie insert $a_cookie" ("foreach" body line 4) invoked from within "foreach a_cookie [HTTP::cookie names] { if {$a_cookie starts_with "BIGipServer" and $a_cookie ne "BIGipServerapache_indexes_pool"}{ HTTP::co..."




In researching iRule differences for v11, all I can find are changes related to data groups. What part of the iRule is not supported in v11? How can I write the iRule in v11 to keep the encryption working?










3 Replies

  • i got the same error too. anyway, just wondering why you don't use "persist cookie insert" in HTTP_REQUEST event instead.
  • I am getting a similar error with "persist uie $persistence_record". This works in the HTTP_REQUEST event but not in the HTTP_RESPONSE event. Due to natted IP's and persisting on header values given by the server, these have to be persisted on at the response and not the request.



    Currently, we are using "persist add uie $persistence_record" which works but will occasionally give "Prerequisite operation not in progress" errors which we believe are causing persistence to fail on occasion.


  • Currently, we are using "persist add uie $persistence_record" which works but will occasionally give "Prerequisite operation not in progress" errors which we believe are causing persistence to fail on occasion.if $persistence_record is not null, i guess serverside is closed before persist add is complete. in that case, you may use "catch" to prevent tcl error and connection reset.



    iRules 101 - 07 - Catch by Joe Pruitt