Forum Discussion

Klaus_Gerthein1's avatar
Icon for Nimbostratus rankNimbostratus
Mar 01, 2006

Limit the packets per Second for a session




I am new to irules and need some tips.



I used the iRule "Limit Connections From Client" from the iRule Wiki and added the


CLIENT_DATA part to this rule. Will this iRule limit the connections per source ip-address


and the packet per second per source ip-address?



With this rule I want to limit DNS Query's and connections from clients to our dnscaches.







when RULE_INIT {


max number of concurent connections


set ::maxcon 10


max number of packets per second


set ::maxpackets 10


array set ::active_clients { }





This part is from the iRule Wiki "Limit Connections From Client"




set client_ip [IP::remote_addr]



if { [info exists ::active_clients($client_ip)] } {



if {$::active_clients($client_ip) > $::maxcon} {






} else {


incr ::active_clients($client_ip)




} else {


set ::active_clients($client_ip) 1







I have added this part




If 'IP stats pkts in / IP stats age' is lager then maxpackets reject the packet


if { [expr {[IP::stats pkts in]} / {[IP::stats age]}] > $::maxpackets } {











This part is from the iRule Wiki "Limit Connections From Client"




if { [info exists ::active_clients($client_ip)] } {


incr ::active_clients($client_ip) -1


if { $::active_clients($client_ip) <= 0 } {


unset ::active_clients($client_ip)








2 Replies

  • Colin_Walker_12's avatar
    Historic F5 Account
    That's a neat way of going about the math, using variables that are already there. I think this will probably get you close to what you're looking for. I would suggest taking a look at the rateclass features available on BIG-IP, though, as they are more robust when it comes to rate limiting, and can be dynamically selected via an iRule if necessary.



  • Hi Colin,



    thanks for your hint and sorry for my late response.


    I modified the client_data part, because IP::stats age is in milli seconds.



    when CLIENT_DATA {


    when session is older then one second


    if { [IP::stats age] > 1000 } {


    milli seconds to seconds


    set age_sec [expr [IP::stats age] / 1000]



    get the packtes per second


    set packets [expr {[IP::stats pkts in]} / $age_sec]


    log "Packets per Second $packets Packets {[IP::stats pkts in]} Age {[IP::stats age] milli second}"



    if { $packets > $::maxpackets } {


    log "Client $client_ip rejected with $packets packets per second rejected"













    I tested the iRule on a big-ip 5100 and version 9.1.0.


    The rule seems to work. I have tested it with one client


    and one server. I dont know what will happen if thousands


    of clients and connections will penetrate the loadbalancer.



    The rate classes in an iRule will be the best way to limit the banwidth


    in a productive environment.



    The only feature I miss at version 9.x is to limit the concurrent connections per client/source


    ip-address in a rate class or as feature for a virtual server, without using a iRule.


    This feature would be very helpful when a service is under heavy load.


    It is possible to limit the connection for a virtual, but so one or more bad clients are able


    to use all these connections.



    Best regards

