Forum Discussion

daboochmeister's avatar
Dec 30, 2014

APM Application URI (no virtual server) ... how to modify caching, rewrite?

In one of our APM portal pages, we have various application URIs, each directly created via an Access Policy -> Portal Access -> Portal Access List : Create... action. They don't appear in the virtual server list, and are accessed only through the portal page. Our portal page itself of course does have a virtual server associated with it.


For such application URIs, how do we change the caching and rewrite behavior? I know that I can turn off caching as a whole on the portal virtual server - but I don't want to lose the benefit of caching for the application URIs for which it works correctly and is effective. Do I need to create a separate virtual server for each such app, and use that vs as a resource on the portal page? If so, how do I prevent it from being accessed except through the portal page?


Similarly, for rewrite behavior, should we use a single rewrite profile at the portal virtual server level to affect application URI specific URLs? Or is there a way to establish a separate rewrite profile for each specific APM-defined application URI?




1 Reply

  • Regarding the caching aspect, you could consider a couple methods. From within the Portal Access resource, at the bottom there are resource items (which are used to allow access and for rewriting). In each of those, you can specify a client cache configuration. The other option would be to check the in an iRule and use the CACHE command to disable/enable caching as desired.


    Regarding the rewrite behavior, since the APM is proxying the requests, I would say just set values in the Rewrite List and/or Bypass List in your rewrite profile (you can use * as a wildcard) for hosts that aren't part of the Portal access resources.