Forum Discussion

mahanth's avatar
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Jul 08, 2019

Slow HTTP POST vulnerability

BIG F5 LTM 12.1.3


What can I do to fix this?




The web application is possibly vulnerable to a "slow HTTP POST" Denial of Service (DoS) attack. This is an application-level DoS that consumes server resources by maintaining open connections for an extended period of time by slowly sending traffic to the server. If the server maintains too many connections open at once, then it may not be able to respond to new, legitimate connections. Unlike bandwidth-consumption DoS attacks, the "slow" attack does not require a large amount of traffic to be sent to the server -- only that the client is able to maintain open connections for several minutes at a time. The attack holds server connections open by sending properly crafted HTTP POST headers that contain a Content-Length header with a large value to inform the web server how much of data to expect. After the HTTP POST headers are fully sent, the HTTP POST message body is sent at slow speeds to prolong the completion of the connection and lock up server resources. By waiting for the complete request body, the server is helping clients with slow or intermittent connections to complete requests, but is also exposing itself to abuse.


I have created an iRule but we still see this vulnerability.





        if { [HTTP::method] equals "POST"} {

            # If the entire request hasn't been received within 10 seconds, send a 500, and close the conneciton

            set id [after 10000 {

                HTTP::respond 500 content "Your POST request is not being received quickly enough. Please retry."



            HTTP::collect [HTTP::header Content-Length]





       if {[info exists id]} {

           # If all the POST data has been received, load balancing will be selected at which point cancel the connection closure

           after cancel $id

