Forum Discussion

What_Lies_Bene1's avatar
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Dec 11, 2013

TMM Logging

Hi all,


I'm getting rather frustrated around logging around two areas;


1) What facility and file do TMM messages use? I've seen nothing on which facility and conflicting documents suggesting /var/log/ltm and /var/log/tmm - which is it or is it both depending on the message?


2) What files does ZebOS use? One per RD if in use but what are the files - I've seen suggestions it's zebos.log but also bgp.log etc. Is it all these again depending on message? Is syslog-ng used for these or not?


3) And while I'm here, I assume syslog-ng isn't used to create the upgrade/install log file: /var/log/liveinstall.log right?


Thanks in advance.


2 Replies

  • OK, I think I've clarified 1) Messages related to TMM local traffic functions and related traffic use local0 and hit /var/log/ltm. TMM process related messages hit /var/log/tmm but I've no idea which facility is used.


    For 2) syslog-ng IS used and the facility is 'daemon'.


    Would love to know what the missing priorities are on this diagram too.