Forum Discussion

Michael_Koyfma1's avatar
Dec 12, 2007

Getting default pool associated with Virtual

There is a way to retrieve the default pool name that is associated with the VS using iRules. Below is an example of how this is done:





set default_pool [LB::server pool]


log local0. "default pool is $default_pool"





For the longest time, I was under misconception that LB::server pool would not be available until LB_SELECTED or LB_FAILED event, but apparently this is not the case - this iRule works, and can be used as a core generic rule that's applicable to several virtuals - nice little trick.

1 Reply

  • Unruley suggested this a few times starting a while back:





    You can try the following modifications to your rule to save the default pool and reuse it, thus generalizing your rule to be used with many virtuals.



    rule cookie_lbsid {




    set defpool [LB::server pool]











    1) 9.1 does support the [LB::server pool] command which will return the currently selected pool. You do not have to wait until LB_SELECTED to get the currently selected pool. Thus something like this will return the original default pool on the virtual server:





    if {not [info exists default_pool]} {


    set default_pool [LB::server pool]









    I think a lot of people have been using it since then to get the default pool of the VIP before any changes to the pool have been made on the connection.


