Forum Discussion

TJ_Vreugdenhil's avatar
Sep 08, 2014

Amazon AWS and GTM initial setup

We have launched two Amazon F5 BIGIP VE's in EC2. (LTM/GTM/ASM are all in one box for each)


We have 2 availability zones and would like a dual availability setup. The requirement is too have two different subnets per box, so they can act more like a dual data center instead of a HA pair. The GTM modules would be Active/Active


I have a few questions to anyone who has done this before.


  • Do I use the Elastic IP provided by AWS for the GTM listener or do I just use a IP off my external provided interface?
  • Does the AWS Master Key and Secret control the functionality of the GTM active/active sync?
  • Do I still add WideIP's via the GTM webui or is some of this controlled by AWS?

Is there any more tricks or configuration that has helped anyone with AWS and F5?


I can't find very much information on this particular topic, expect here:




2 Replies

  • 1) I don't know. Curious as to the answer.


    These two I'm fairly certain on.


    2) I am fairly certain that you'll still sync using the F5 GTM protocols. Connectivity would need to be verified. Simple 'telnet' between the boxes would work fine.


    3) WideIP is just a DNS name. As the GTMs will be serving DNS, you would add them there. The Pools of IPs you'd use as members of a Wideip will probably be a combination of AWS as well as the LTM setups (assuming you're using the LTM functionality for GTM pool definitions).


    Sorry I don't have more information.




  • I've also no clue on 1) but regarding 2) just to backup what @Jason said, these are only access related, nothing to do with GTM itself and 3) via the GUI or CLI - there is no built in AWS integration around management or orchestration etc.